Posts made by Heather Ross


I like your analogy about the bus. I think that a lot of informal learning occurs in discussions between peers and colleagues. Then didn't necessarily set out to learn anything, it just happens through the course of discussion. This is why I believe that discussion boards in distance education are so vital. Learners otherwise miss out on that informal learning that happens in class discussions and those that occur in the hallway or around the water cooler.

I saw Stephen Downes speak last year and he mentioned  the issue of organizations restricted the use of tech usage through such things as filters. This is a big issue with schools (and some governments) these days. His suggestion was to work around them when possible.

So many organizations are set in their top-down mindset, but honestly, in many cases those on the bottom can start the revolution. Perhaps we should be working more to educate "the little guy / gal" more. We may find that they start the online connections. Then those on the top will see the positive impact this may have.

Onlne communities offer people a chance to connect without the limitations that distance creates. In Saskatchewan, as in many places in Canada, new teachers and pre-service teachers often find themselves teaching in remote areas. An online community to connect them with each other as well as more experienced teachers would help them to feel less isolated and provide them with virtual colleagues.

I'm interested in whether anyone has tried this or knows of anyone else trying to set up something like this. Would it be used? Would there be any real benefits?