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General news and announcements related to the Symposium on Innovative Teaching.

Learning forums

Topic Forum Description Discussions
Topic 1 Jane Vella Keynote: Dialogue Education: What are the basics?

Keynote: Dialogue Education: What are the basics?

In this opening keynote address, Dr. Jane Vella will introduce Dialogue Education as understood and taught by Global Learning Partners, Inc. She will identify four basic protocols of Dialogue Education:
1. Seven Design Steps and Learning Needs...
Topic 2 Mark Winston: The Undergraduate Semester in Dialogue

The objective of the Undergraduate Semester in Dialogue is to link university and community through dialogue-based learning. The Semester addresses what we believe is the principal challenge for contemporary education: to inspire students with a sense of civic responsibility, encourage their ...
Alma Krilic: Foundations of Dialogic Communication

This discussion-based session is designed for educators who are interested in incorporating dialogic communication into their curriculum. Unlike the ?traditional? classroom, in which the teacher is the transmitter of knowledge, dialogic communication is founded on the premise that both the ...
Heather Ryan: Dialogic Construction of Meaning: Applying Theory to Teaching Large Classes

This session may be of interest to all who are encouraged/expected to teach large classes, to students or teaching assistants in a traditional large face-to-face class, or to administrators providing the resources to support instruction in large classes. This discussion and hands-on ...
Topic 3 Janet Moore: Using Dialogue and Reflection to Create Sustainability Education
Everyone is welcome to attend a short presentation on the use of dialogue and reflection in 3 undergraduate courses focusing on sustainability and community engagement. I will describe in detail how I have used reflection and dialogue to enhance student and instructor learning with the aim of ...
Veselin Jungic & Jacob Groundwater: A Dialogue Tool for Mathematicians and Non-Mathematicians

In this session, we will present the main ideas of a project called ?π2π Math? that originated at the SFU Department of Mathematics a few months ago. The ultimate goal of the project is to create a new tool for communicating mathematics over the web. We will give a demo of the tools already ...
Judy Johnson: Teaching in the Trenches: Using Questions to Make Meaning
Designed primarily for teachers in the trenches, this session will demonstrate how I use questioning in my own classes to get students to start thinking for themselves.

When I was attending university, I never understood how my professors came up with their brilliant insights and interpretations ...
Topic 4 Meg Zuccaro & Students: Compassionate Listening: Sustaining the Heart of Dialogue

This session will provide an opportunity to hear the voices of undergraduate students, from Education 100, who will share their classroom experiences of creating academic community through practices of listening and dialogue. Expanding the capacity for compassionate listening invites a ...
Dale Lackeyram: Maintaining Learner Conflict through Dialogue: The Transformative Opportunities of Academic Support Services
Of interest to faculty/instructors, academic staff/administrators, educational, instructional and/or curriculum developers, undergraduate and graduate students, and community service learning practitioners, this session will present a theory of dialogue that maintains learner conflict through the...
Joanna Ashworth & Charles Scott: Cultivating a Community of Reflective Practitioners: Lessons from the Dialogue Makers Network
In this session, participants will hear about an initiative of SFU?s Dialogue Programs that bridges the university with the community through the practice of dialogue, and the lessons learned about cultivating the conditions for dialogue and the impact this program has had on it participants. The...
Topic 5 Nicky Didicher & Students: Collaborative Learning and WebCT Presentation Pages
Several students and the instructor of English 322 Eighteenth-Century British Novels from SFU, Spring 2006, will discuss their experiences with a collaborative learning environment in which students chose the novels for the syllabus, worked in groups to create course content, and published their ...
Gjoa Andrichuk: Innovative Uses of Educational Technology
How can innovative uses of learning technologies enhance the learning experiences of students engaged in applied learning?  In this session, the presenter will share her innovative teaching strategies, and lessons learned through action research, for incorporating an online Community of Practice ...
Steve Marshall: Outsiders in Learning Communities: Understanding and Meeting
This interactive presentation will be of interest to anyone who works with international and Canadian students for whom English is an additional language (EAL learners). The presentation will begin with a brief theoretical framework for understanding the needs of EAL learners. The focus will be ...
Topic 6 Janet McCracken: Illuminating Learner Needs through Dialogue

Learning complex material in higher education is challenging, even for students who possess excellent study skills and who are motivated to learn. I propose that as teachers, we can go a long way in avoiding unnecessary obstacles that students face by engaging in learner-centred dialogues that...
Kathryn Alexander & Nadeane Trowse: Talking through the Medium: Two Case Studies on the Role of Dialogue in Developing Learners Participation in their Learning Communities
This presentation is of interest to anyone who is interested in learning about how to use dialogic writing-intensive approaches to develop students? engagement and immersion into their disciplinary fields. We will draw on two very different disciplinary subjects (technology and communications ...
Jane Vella & Marian Darlington-Hope: Four Protocols of Dialogue Education
In this three-hour workshop, Jane Vella and Marian Darlington-Hope will use Dialogue Education with the workshop group to go into depth on the Four Protocols introduced during the keynote address on May 17th. Participants will work with each of the protocols, applying it to their life and context...
Topic 7 David Kaufman & Robyn Schell: Designing for Dialogue: Transforming Problem-Based Learning (PBL) into eLearning Simulations
This presentation is oriented to those interested in creating dynamic online learning strategies using dialogue to develop problem-solving skills.
Our presentation describes how we designed and implemented a distributed case-based tutorial to integrate the two strongest features of simulations: ...
Amy Zidulka: Stranger in the Land of Suits: When Instructors Teach Students
Over the course of their careers, many instructors will teach outside of their ?home? departments. Accountants may teach science students how to balance books. Philosophers might teach in medical schools. English and composition instructors typically teach students from all departments.

Amy ...
Topic 8 Carolyn Mamchur: Living the Praxis: Dialogue and Community in the Classroom
We are a class of grad students who, with our professor, have formed a tightly-knit and successful community of learners because of a number of consciously chosen principles: a dedication to the valuing of the person; being fully present for each other; creating ritual in a classroom setting; ...
Taigita Biln, Mark Winston, Janet Moore, & Joanna Ashworth: Dialogue: Possibilities and Paradoxes Using Dialogue in Learning Contexts

The concept of dialogue is hardly new. Its origins can be traced to ancient Greece where Socrates encouraged his students to live the examined life through a process of shared inquiry. Learning and teaching through dialogue are experiencing a new surge in popularity, as educators rediscover the...