Thoughts for the future

Thoughts for the future

by Deirdre Bonnycastle -
Number of replies: 13
As we wind down this session on Active Learning, I wanted to give people an opportunity to reflect on what we have learned and how we might want to move forward with this concept. The cartoon is from the website Nearing Zero, which is a great source of science cartoons that are free for educators.
Attachment work024.jpg
In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: Thoughts for the future

by E.A. Draffan -

I am having a happy giggle over the cartoon - many thanks and what a lovely collection of other cartoons. 

Just one last question - a bit late in the day - which do you reckon is the easiest and most interactive and media rich type of wiki application that you have used - hopefully accessible?  I would like to trial one and have found rather too many choices! smile

Thank you so much for the very interesting session.

Best wishes E.A.

In reply to E.A. Draffan

Re: Thoughts for the future

by B Ferrell -
If you could be more specific about what platform..Windows, Linux etc. you will be working on/using, I could point you to some wikis.

In reply to B Ferrell

Re: Thoughts for the future

by E.A. Draffan -

I was thinking of using a hosted wiki for a trial before getting an add on for WordPress or whatever as the university can help me with that aspect.  This was really for working with one student as an experiment to see if we can add different media items to make it more interesting but at the same time test it for ease of use and accessibility!

I have been looking at the Wiki science pages as there is a list there.  

Many thanks for any help!  E.A.

In reply to E.A. Draffan

Re: Thoughts for the future

by B Ferrell -
If your user would be more comfortable offline, there are personal wikis that do not require database setup etc., but I still need to know what OS you will be using. I found one last week for Windows, but will have to go through my list for Linux if that is what you will be using and want a personal offline wiki.

In reply to B Ferrell

Re: Thoughts for the future

by E.A. Draffan -

Sorry Bev, I assumed you were asking me about the server side - yes we are using Windows at the university and also on our personal machines.  Many many thanks and apologies for this follow up!

Best wishes E.A.

In reply to E.A. Draffan

Re: Thoughts for the future

by Colby Stuart -
In response to EA Draffan about wiki choices, I work with several, depending on community.

We use MediaWiki - - for student groups and clients because many people have had experience with it through Wikipedia and the familiarity with the posting options makes the learning curve easier. It also have a wide Open Source community constantly building on improvements and add-ons. You can read more about it on Wikipedia

Personally, on our websites, we prefer WikkaWiki You can read more about it here on Wikipedia WikkaWiki

Here is a great resource that lists all wikis. "This is the canonical list of WikiEngines."

Then you have WikiMatrix where you can compare wiki features.

There is also a Compare Wikis page in Wikipedia

Hope this helps.
In reply to Colby Stuart

Re: Thoughts for the future

by Ken Udas -
Hello.  I attended a meeting in Vancouver last May or so that brought together a number of folks from the Open Educational Resources and International Development Communities along with folks from the Wikimedia Foundation.  The meeting was organized by the Commonwealth of Learning and supported on WikiEducator.  Its goals were to help Wikimedia develop capacity as a low-barrier collaborative course authoring, cataloging, and presentation environment.  If there is any interest, here is the link to the meeting page:

It might be a bit stale now, but still of interest.
In reply to Colby Stuart

Re: Thoughts for the future

by E.A. Draffan -

ooooh Thank you for all the help - I am off to explore.

Best wishes E.A.

In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: Thoughts for the future

by Dr. Nellie Deutsch -
That's great!

I would like to share a video of Andrew Mercer on active learning strategies in teaching music online.

In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle


by Deirdre Bonnycastle -
If you are a member of Facebook, please join the Active Learning group to continue this discussion.
In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: Facebook

by Colby Stuart -
Deirdre, is this listed on the Scope group on Facebook or a separate group?

Thank you so very much for moderating this past few weeks. You have generated a vast resource of content for all to reference and use as time moves forward.
In reply to Colby Stuart

Re: Facebook

by Deirdre Bonnycastle -
No it is a separate group. If you search Facebook groups you should be able to find it, otherwise add me as a friend and I'll send you an invitation.