Call for Interest in Contributing to Online PD Compilation for BCcampus

Call for Interest in Contributing to Online PD Compilation for BCcampus

by Elizabeth Wallace -
Number of replies: 2

Nancy Randall has just sent out an invitation to be involved in a great proposal she is developing for BCcampus.

I'd like to follow up with another invitation for Expressions of Interest in a project that SFU is developing with regard to this SCoPE site.

We are proposing to create a compilation (yet to be named) of online Professional Development being offered by BC insitutions, and perhaps beyond. If we are able to secure BCcampus funding, we would like to invite all BC Educational Institutions to make information available about their online PD offerings. That information would be included in a compilation of online PD to be housed on the SCoPE community platform, for wide dissemination.

At present, I am trying to guage interest in this project by asking anyone who is delivering online PD, and who would like to be included in the compiled listing, to please contact me privately.This expression of interest does not imply a commitment. If funding is obtained, you will be contacted to discuss whether you wish to provide information for SCoPE.

I'll raise this again at the UCIPD meeting on Feb 21st, for those who are in Kamloops, but please email me at or reply to this posting in SCoPE.



In reply to Elizabeth Wallace

Re: Call for Interest in Contributing to Online PD Compilation for BCcampus

by Alice Macpherson -
Kwantlen is interested in contributing and sharing information.


In reply to Alice Macpherson

Re: Call for Interest in Contributing to Online PD Compilation for BCcampus

by Alice Macpherson -
Norm, et al

I think that this will unfold as Liz Wallace takes the lead here.

Kwantlen is in and so is VCC - this can't be bad.  :-)


Alice Macpherson
The Centre for Academic Growth
Kwantlen University College