My reaction...Create a blog

My reaction...Create a blog

by Darren Cannell -
Number of replies: 2
I am very excited about being able to participate in this discussion area.  My reaction when I heard the news is we need to collect people's opinions on this merger.

I have read the discussions on this site and would love to place the discussions within the blog for others to read...Is this OK?  I do not want to compete with this site so I would like to work together if possible.

I have started a blog called "Blackboard and Webct are One."  


The purpose of this blog is to start the discussion about what we would like to see from this new "joint" company.  I have posted such questions as...What are the best tools found in Webct?  What are the worst tools found in Webct? and the same for blackboard and many other questions.
I am hoping to build this blog into an area where blackboard users, webct user and open source users can have a voice which I hope will be heard by the developers of the new platform which will merger from the joining of the two largest LMS in the world.  At first I was a little cynical and thought that money is going to dictate the look of the next LMS but with a strong enough united voice we might be able to have some influence.  Anyways...let see if we can make it happen.
If you have a question you would like people to respond to... I will make sure it is added to the blog.  This blog is meant to be a community and I am inviting you all to join and make a difference.
In reply to Darren Cannell

Re: My reaction...Create a blog

by Elizabeth Wallace -

Darren, I'm skeptical about your conviction that if enough of us post our suggestions and opinions about WebCT and Blackboard, we can make a difference. You say: "With a strong enough united voice we might be able to have some influence." Where does that conviction come from? What experiences have you had that make you think the two giants will care to listen?

Having used WebCT since its launch in the late 90s, I have seen little evidence that they are interested in being responsive to teacher/learner need. Will the "merged" company become a kinder, gentler place?

BTW, I visited your blog at  and I'm so glad you found SCoPE and linked us to it. For one thing, I learned that the Brits seem to be using the term VLE (Virtual Learning Environments) more often than the LMS term we use in N. America!

In reply to Elizabeth Wallace

Does VLE mean same or different from LMS?

by Susanne Nyrop -
Hi Liz,

I have been reflecting on whether we think the same or something different when talking about working within acontext such as a Virtual learning Environment than when we're just systematically managing learning content?

When I consider the constructivist approach that Moodle developers and end  users are trying to promote and practise creatively from experiemntation and knowledge sharing about how to use the tools that exist, or ask for more details in  development, I find it pretty much different from  just "putting" your (perhaps already existing) course material and a given structured procedure online.  I feel strongly that Moodle provides a potential environment for those who are able to change their ideas according to what is possible; not that this is always what is actually happening. But there exists the opportunity to allow "students" to create and edit material,  for example,  as part of the interactivtiy.

After all, it does take quite a while before your fumbling  laboratory experiments are ready to become published and reproduced by others.