We now have preferences of (with random attributions) Ning (Deidre) Facebook (Colby, Jeffery) Elgg/Eduspaces (Emma) - References to Jaiku (Lisa) Twitter (??) and the others I missed . . .
- I don't suppose there is a humongous aggregator for all these . . . Probably NOT!! just back to RSS .
- I'm not sure what I think about facebook/Ning/eduspaces for SCoPE . . .
- This is cool to know who is where - now I have more people to ask if I want to find out about one of these things, someone who actually USES the thing.
- Scaleablility. Maybe we just have a SCopE friends group ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE and just rely on the network/serendipity effect so that if something interesting happens on SCoPE-NING we know about it from our Blog RSS feed, or IM or post in Moodle-SCoPE . . .
We could take over the world here.
- There are 5000 apps, which means we have a lot to do, even deleting the 4000 duplicates and wierd ones.
[No wonder I have so many languishing accounts]
Flogged from Deidre's NING site: