Why are you interested in collaborative projects?

Why are you interested in collaborative projects?

by Dr. Nellie Deutsch -
Number of replies: 3
I attribute my involvement in collaborative projects to the Internet and web 2.0 tools. My aim has been to connect online for peaceful coexistence and learning.

This is the last week of the seminar. Some of you have voiced your thoughts and some have been silent. I would be interested in learning more about your experiences.

Please share:

  1. How did you get involved in collaborative projects?
  2. How are you collaborating?
  3. What tools or environments are you using?
  4. What is keeping you involved in collaborating?
  5. How do you envision the future of collaborative projects?

The following video depicts some interesting ideas on collective intelligence may be of interest and may help you answer the question:

Thank you.

Warm wishes,
Nellie Deutsch
In reply to Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Re: Why are you interested in collaborative projects?

by Christine Horgan -

Hello Everyone:

First day back from a week's vacation. I have, though, been following the discussions.

Nellie's questions:

  1. How did you get involved in collaborative projects?
  2. How are you collaborating?
  3. What tools or environments are you using?
  4. What is keeping you involved in collaborating?
  5. How do you envision the future of collaborative projects?

1. On line collaborative projects, other than SCoPE I'm not. It's an interesting concept and I'm interested in dipping a toe in these waters. My collaborative projects are all the old-fashioned kind (F2F).

2. I'm collaborating by sharing ideas, resources, coaching, discussing.

3. Tools. Mostly the local coffee shop on campus.

4. Why Collaborate? Simply put, it makes me better at what i do. I know my strengths and I also know my weaknesses and so collaborating with folks who help balance my contribution to a project really helps me and really helps the project. Also, I learn from others, and if there's a better/more efficient way of doing something, I'm all for it. Collaboration also expands my professional network.

5. Envisioning the future: I seldom think of technology first (I'd much rather chat over tea) and so my vision of the future would include helping people become better collaborators...to see the benefits, to learn some collaboration skills. Collaboration works best then there are clear project goals and people with the "people" and project skills on the team. Choosing the right team is very important, although we don't always have that option. I'm preaching to the converted, here, of course. Some of the discussion over the last couple of weeks has been around how a team functions.

Off to catch up on a lot of accumulated email. Cheers, Chris (Horgan)

In reply to Christine Horgan

Collaborative projects and upcoming WIMBA seminar

by Christine Horgan -

Hello Everyone:

Hot on the heels of Nellie's questions this morning....WIMBA has an online seminar coming up shortly (Augsut 27 2:00 p.m. EDT): New Ways to Collaborate. The seminars are always interesting.

Cheers, Chris


Here's the Website in case you're interested in following up: Wimba [technicalsupport@wimba.com]


...and the link for registration

Register here:


and here's the promotional material:

Dear Education Leader,

Wimba is offering these free online seminars exclusively to education professionals like you. Please feel free to forward this invitation to your friends and colleagues.


New Ways to Collaborate

This demonstration will show new ways of more effectively collaborating online to enrich your courses.


Aug 27


2:00 pm EDT


Online - Sign-up Here

If you can't make the time, sign-up to get an email with a link to the recording.

Wimba’s technology replicates and enriches the highly personal and dynamic elements of traditional classroom instruction in the online learning environment.

Wimba released its Wimba Collaboration Suite 6.0 in mid-July. Featuring new capabilities of Wimba Classroom™, Wimba Pronto™, and Wimba Voice™ - enhancements that defy the physical classroom and enrich the teaching and learning experience.

The Wimba Collaboration Suite 6.0 features advanced MP4, whiteboarding and assessment functionality that will enable the hundreds of higher education institutions and K-12 districts around the world to further enhance learning, improve outcomes and increase student retention.

This demonstration will show off all the new ways of more effectively collaborating online to enrich your courses.