Orange, the color of champions

Orange, the color of champions

by jason toal -
Number of replies: 4
Many of these samples have very "ipod-ish" feel to them which was not intentional, but should be considered.    The orange may be the most unique of the three colors presented, i wonder if I should try some of the other designs in orange?...

In reply to jason toal

Re: Orange, the color of champions

by Sylvia Currie -
I've been thinking about colours. I'm always drawn to orange, the colour of champions as Jason calls it :-) I also like the coolness of the light green -- ever so subtle in the banner. Olive and earthy colours aren't feeling right to me here in SCoPE for a reason I can't expain.

Also, just to add a little twist to the selections, I'm attaching an image which was entered in a Moodle logo t-shirt contest at It really caught my eye because it says PEOPLE. It feels really friendly and inviting, and also gives the impression that there are many different personalities and interests in the mix. It also has a little bit of "find Waldo" to it.

Does anyone have a new suggestion or variations on the logo selections in the voting booth?
Attachment Moodle-mosiac80-quartersize.jpg
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Orange, the color of champions

by Elizabeth Wallace -
I love the image that you attached, Sylvia, for all the reasons you liked it. Of course, it's too big and busy for a logo, but perhaps it reinforces that orange works. Any more thoughts, Jason?
In reply to Sylvia Currie

scope color theory

by jason toal -
that is just gorgeous sylvia.  cool

Just to address some color issues,  it is true that there is plenty of research regarding the psychological effects of color and many cultural meanings implied by its use.  From my experience, a graphic designer will take a more intuitive approach to color selection.  One thing is true, color is a very subjective topic,  and different people prefer different ones.  I tend to consider the "visual effect" of how different colors work together as a key factor when choosing between this color or that.

For the initial designs I chose a "monochromatic" approach, which is generally using only one color with variations of light and dark.  The revised design I just posted to kates comments above, now uses a little "complimentary contrast" which as you can tell is a more intense. 

I declared orange the "color of champions"  for reasons which now escape me,  but the fact is that it really sings when surrounded by a bunch of blue!  (It's "compliment" or opposite in the color wheel)

In reply to jason toal

Re: Orange, the color of champions

by Kate Britt -

I have a personal dislike of orange, but I don't have another suggestion. It's interesting to look at some ideas on the symbolism and meanings of various colors:
(where orange is "vitality and endurance"; how about some yellow for "intellectual energy")

Here's a site with more extensive descriptions: