Activities at Our Centres, Fall 2006

Activities at Our Centres, Fall 2006

by Elizabeth Wallace -
Number of replies: 2

As a way of exchanging ideas about programs and courses delivered through our centres, I'd like to invite you to post information about what your teaching/learning centre is doing in the fall.

As in the Welcome and Introductions section, where you can describe your centre and give contact information, I suggest that you use the name of your centre in the Subject Line when you reply to this message.

We're doing many, many innovative things -- let's share!

In reply to Elizabeth Wallace

University of Victoria, Learning and Teaching Centre Events

by Elizabeth Wallace -


In Our Own Voices: Learning and Teaching Toward Decolonisation ~ Book

Friday, October 13, 2006, HHB 128
1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM
In Our Own Voices: Learning and Teaching Toward Decolonisation brings
together students, teachers, artists and activists across many
different disciplines, including Women's Studies, Education, English,
Social Work, Indigenous Governance, Fine Arts, and Cultural Studies.
Through critical essays, poetry and artwork, contributors discuss what
it means to experience classrooms from minority perspectives, as well
as strategies for anti-racist and decolonising education and practice.
This anthology was edited by Proma Tagore, Assistant Professor in the
Department of English, with support from a Learning and Teaching
Development Grant.  Please join us for the book launch and selected

Instructional Technology Working Group ~ Shareable Online Resources
Tuesday, October 17, 2006, HHB 128
1:30 PM ~ 2:30 PM
Discussion with special guest Scott Leslie, project manager for the
BCCampus Shareable Online Learning Resource (SOL*R) project, regarding
this new provincial resource for learning and teaching.  New members
always welcome!

Grading Issues ~ almost everything you need to know [TA ProD Series]
Any member of campus welcome.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006, HHB 128
6:30 PM ~ 8:00 PM
This workshop will explore the varying issues surrounding grading and
provide concrete advice for graders across a variety of disciplines
and formats.

Celebrating Successes in Course (Re)Design:  Course (Re)Design
Workshop Reunion
Thursday, October 19, 2006, HHB 128
11:00 AM ~ 12:30 PM, with hosted lunch to follow
Facilitated by Dr. Jim Anglin, AVP Academic and Student Affairs (and
previous CRW graduate)
Join some of the over 120 UVic faculty members who have participated
in either the Course (Re)Design Workshop (CRW) or Course (Re)Design
for Internationalization Workshop (CRIW).  Learn how participation in
the workshop has enabled colleagues to directly enhance student
engagement and learning in a wide variety of courses.

From Teaching to Learning: Does technology have a role to play in
education reform?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006, HHB 128
4:30 PM ~ 6:00 PM [Light refreshments]
Michael Bush, Lansdowne Speaker, Brigham Young University
School reform has been a topic du jour at least since 1657 when
Comenius entitled a chapter of The Great Didactic: "It is possible to
reform schools". John Tagg updated the theme in his 2003 work, The
Learning Paradigm College, insisting that colleges should change their
focus from teaching to learning. In the 21st century world in which he
writes and where we ship bits rather than atoms, students substitute
Wikipedia and the Web for visits to the library, yet CD-ROMs that
accompany textbooks go unused. When digital convergence meets
education reform, is it possible that technology will replace
teachers, or will teachers who use technology replace teachers who don't?

Being and Becoming a Mentor: Fostering Student Scholarship
Wednesday, October 25, 2006, HHB 128
11:30 AM ~ 1:30 PM [Light lunch included]
With Dr. Holly Tuokko, Centre on Aging; Dr. Dan Smith, Geography; and
Dr. Patricia MacKenzie, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
Good mentoring in all its forms involves treating students
respectfully and fairly, providing reliable guidance, and serving as a
role model for upholding the highest ethical standards. This workshop
will introduce the role of mentoring in an academic environment and
highlight how mentoring can provide faculty with opportunities for
professional growth and development as well as create a climate to
foster student scholarship.

Presentation Skills Workshop (PSW)
Participants must attend all three days, HHB 128
Thursday, October 26, 2006, 6:00 PM ~ 8:00 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006, 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM
Saturday, November 4, 2006, 9:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM
This workshop is designed to facilitate participants in giving an
effective presentation in an academic environment.  Each participant
will give two 10-minute presentations designed for different contexts
and will provide constructive feedback for the presentations of
others.  $25 registration deposit (refundable upon completion of the

With thanks to Teresa Dawson and Yolanda Olivotto.

For information, contact Carolyn Boss, Assistant to LTC Programs
Learning and Teaching Centre

Phone: 250-721-8571
Fax: 250-721-6494

In reply to Elizabeth Wallace

Simon Fraser University, Learning and Instruction Development Centre

by Elizabeth Wallace -

Among other offerings, LIDC is focussing on Speaking and Writing this fall, with the following three workshop series:

Speaking to be Heard: Developing effective voice & communication skills

Four Mondays, October 16 - November 6, 2006
12:30 - 3:30 pm

Eager to explore or expand your vocal skills? Looking for a supportive atmosphere where you can build and strengthen your voice over a four-week period? Each week, you will leave with practical skills and a greater understanding of:
* Strength & control - Alignment, breath support, and capacity work
* Colour & projection of ideas - Resonance, intonation, pitch, and range
* Clarity & sense of thought - Inquiry into the muscles of articulation
* Intention of sound - Relationship to acoustics
* Ease and confidence in communication - Presentation of a prepared lecture
* Vocal hygiene - Maintaining vocal health

 Preparing Writing-Intensive Courses (Series B)

Wednesday, November 1, 8 & 15
9:30 - 11:30
The Writing Intensive Learning Office (WILO) is responding to the new SFU requirement for undergrads to take "writing-intensive" or W courses as part of their program of study.  WILO offers workshops and support for professors who need to facilitate writing-intensive learning. The workshop series "Preparing for Writing-Intensive Courses" offers an introductory orientation to writing-intensive learning. The resources include SFU examples and instructional materials from across the disciplines. These workshops could provide an orientation and background for revising an existing course, or creating a new course.

The Speaker Within: Simple vocal and presentation skills to enhance your teaching

Wednesday, 20 December, 2006
10:30 am - 12:00 pm

This 90-minute session will serve as an introduction to various elements of voice work, such as breath, alignment, vibration, resonance, and articulation. In a safe and supportive environment, each participant will be invited to experience the benefits of this work through various exercises. A lively and thought-provoking dialogue on the nature of communication, particularly as it relates to the dynamics of the classroom, will follow the more experiential aspect of the session.  Participants will leave this engaging and empowering workshop with a set of reliable and proven techniques that will allow them to reduce stress, strengthen their vocal apparatus, and connect at a deeper level with their students.

For information, contact