Activity 1. Derek's Thoughts on Metacognition and this MicroCourse

Re: Activity 1. Derek's Thoughts on Metacognition and this MicroCourse

by Viviana Chiorean -
Number of replies: 0

Welcome Derek,

Thank you for the reminder to vote - I worked for elections yesterday and was up since 4:45 am, hence my lack of replies yesterday ;)

I can relate to your experience, I also went through a "double loop learning" process ( while completing the Provincial Instructor Diploma Program. I have a Bachelor of Science and was familiar with traditional methods until I explored more about alternate assessment strategies, learning preferences, metacognition and self-directed learning.

I believe we are life long learners and although it may be challenging to "fit" new ideas into our pre-existing framework, the first step is to acknowledge that we might need to be flexible with our "existing structure". I am not a psychologist either so I will stop here. From a scientific perspective while there are neural pathways already in place, we can always create new neural pathways, which only get stronger with repetition. 

I look forward to learning with and from you. 
