Erin's LS activity

Erin's LS activity

by Erin Beattie -
Number of replies: 5


We have all been to meetings where one or two people hold the floor or the meeting goes way over the allotted time and we start to feel like we’re being held hostage. Meetings have a set purpose whether it’s to create actionable items, solve a problem, or discuss a project (to name a few examples), but sometimes meetings start to drag on and the purpose becomes diluted. 


In a diverse group of people, I would like encourage and facilitate the opportunity for all voices to be heard while staying true to the purpose of the meeting and the time provided. 


Can you share an experience where you were able to get the most engagement and input from a group in a short amount of time? 

Liberating Structure: 

9 Whys, Wise Crowds, Triz,  1, 2, 4 - All , Troika Consulting, Open Space <-- I can't seem to pick just one. ?

In reply to Erin Beattie

Re: Erin's LS activity

by Beth Wilson -

I like TRIZ for this, as it may help those time-hoggers to see what they are doing.

In reply to Beth Wilson

Re: Erin's LS activity

by Denise Goudy -

In looking at your purpose and then the invitation, I am wondering if asking people about when they were most engaged would actually result in the change in meetings that you are looking for.  If the heart of the matter is to provide equal opportunity to be heard, then how does asking others on how they like to be engaged result in a change in the culture of meetings?

I like the 1-2-4 all to enable everyone to have a voice.   Then sharing out the discussion with the entire group (assuming it is the same folks who attend the meetings) should enlighten those that may be barriers to others being heard.

The appreciative interview is also good, but I wonder if it will suit those who don't like to be put in the spotlight or be on during the session?  Again, it is easier to share when other are sharing rather than be the one who is being asked questions if shy etc.

Thanks for giving us an opportunity to remark  on your proposed LS activity.

In reply to Denise Goudy

Re: Erin's LS activity

by Erin Beattie -

Hi Denise,

Thanks for your feedback. I like the sounds of the 1-2-4 - ALL, but don't quite understand how it works. Can you explain it further?



In reply to Erin Beattie

Re: Erin's LS activity

by Erin Beattie -

Thank you all for your insight and thoughts.

Triz sounds like a fun, playful way to bring the elephant into and back out of the room. Thanks! I'm going to explore this tool a bit further before I "unleash" it. 

Min Specs sounds awesome as a very task-focused person, BUT how does one pull together a meeting and establish a bunch of rules without coming across as a drill sergeant? Also, this one seems to take a lot of time... is there a way to shorten the steps/process? 


In reply to Erin Beattie

Re: Erin's LS activity

by Beth Cougler Blom -

Hi Erin,

The min specs generated are generated by the group, so I don't think it feels drill sergeant-y because the "rules" are coming from the group themselves. In fact, I've seen time and time again that this activity is really engaging!

As for shortening the time, not sure. I think collaboration often takes longer...but don't we get a much better result/more buy in/more meaning/engagement etc? I vote yes. ;-)

Good luck with it! I look forward to hearing how it all goes for you.