?Unlocking, unpacking and unleashing... ?

?Unlocking, unpacking and unleashing... ?

by Erin Beattie -
Number of replies: 3


Erin Beattie, Manager, Mar/Com, BCcampus in Victoria, B.C. :) 

  • I've experienced Liberating Structures both in smaller and larger groups, but have never really understood how they work or which "menu item" to choose for which situation. As in introvert, I'd like to learn the best tool to use to facilitate a meeting to keep the attendees engaged whilst my keeping anxiety level down. 
  • I hope to share stories, experiences and connect with people interested in learning and teaching. 

Meeting meme


In reply to Erin Beattie

Re: Putting on my thinking hat

by Beth Cougler Blom -

Welcome Erin! It's great to have you here.

I can understand the overwhelm that sometimes comes in a situation where everyone else seems to have "drunk the Kool-Aid" and we're still catching up! (In fact, I felt like that a little bit during a workshop in which I was a participant just this past weekend!)

A good place to start might be the matchmaker (you'll find it on the Tips & Resources page) because one side lists all the purposes for each structure. But your first question might be to ask yourself, Where am I trying to get my group to go? which will hopefully give you a good starting point to then think about structures that support the group along the way.

I hope you enjoy digging into it all this week!

In reply to Erin Beattie

Re: ?Unlocking, unpacking and unleashing... ?

by Jane Maxwell -

Hi Erin,

Thanks for sharing your context, and for the laugh.  :)  I can relate!  


In reply to Erin Beattie

Re: ?Unlocking, unpacking and unleashing... ?

by Leva Lee -

Hi Erin,

Hope you enjoy the course!