Day 3: Approaching the Half-Way Point

Day 3: Approaching the Half-Way Point

by Donna DesBiens -
Number of replies: 0

Welcome to Wednesday, Day 3!  The end of today is the suggested timeframe to post your draft acknowledgement to the Sharing and Feedback Forum

It's great to see all the activity happening in the course: more people checking in, reflecting on the learning resources, asking questions, sharing their acknowledgements, and giving collegial feedback. 

If you have already posted your draft acknowledgement, please go ahead and review others' shares, and start thinking about feedback you'd like to offer others and/or receive yourself.  We have provided some questions that you may use to frame your feedback; however, you are welcome to other appreciative or generative responses that come up for you. 

Feedback Meme - 'Morpheus' w/phrase What if I told you your feedback could determine our future?

    Image: Meme Generator - imgflip

Appreciative feedback may include observations about things you especially like or that inspire you in some way. Generative feedback may include reflective responses to questions that people have asked about how thy might evolve their acknowledgements, or points of clarification. 

Remember the Open Forum is there for you to ask questions, make comments, share resources etc. anytime you like. 

Your facilitators, Dianne & Donna