What does support look like?

What does support look like?

by Faith Whiting -
Number of replies: 2


This discussion post would be for a course in a new program at Yukon College (Community Education and Employment Support). The program aims to increase capacity in front-line education and/or employment support positions within First Nation Governments. Many of the students (not all) will be people currently working in these roles. 

After reading the posted articles, I wanted to try a prompt similar to the one provided to us at the beginning of the course - one where we imagine what we don't like about a process, in order to better understand what changes could be made. In "Liberating Structures," this type of question can be linked to the TRIZ approach. I've also included a prompt around what is working well and an opportunity to dream about an ideal situation. I wanted to incorporate brainstorming, reflection, role play (assuming a fictional persona), and connection in this discussion.

(The prompt)

Sometimes it can be helpful to try to see situations from a different perspective. In this week's discussion forum, you will be asked to look at education and employment support roles from the client's viewpoint. Do your best to put yourself in their shoes.

Imagine you are a citizen of Yukon Fictional First Nation (YFFN). You would like support from the Education Department in your community to either:

a) find a summer job, or

b) apply for University in the fall

What are the reasons you look forward to speaking to these people? What are the reasons you'd rather find help elsewhere?

In an ideal world, what are some of the few key ways you would like support to look like within your community?

Slipping back into your role as learner, can you connect these thoughts and ideas to the guiding principles, goals, standards of practice and models of case management that we talked about in class this week?

Please post your initial response by Wednesday at 11:55 pm. Take the time to freely respond to the posts of classmates by Friday at 11:55 pm.

In reply to Faith Whiting

Re: What does support look like?

by Gina Bennett -

>>What are the reasons you look forward to speaking to these people? What are the reasons you'd rather find help elsewhere?

Wow, Faith, I find these to be particularly generative questions. These questions are worded in such a way that I immediately feel myself in the role of somebody vulnerable, trying to deal with some sort of government official. The wording evokes an emotional response in me & makes me keen to respond to this post. 

The more experience I get, the more I appreciate the value of a good question & I think you've done a great job with this! 

In reply to Gina Bennett

Re: What does support look like?

by Faith Whiting -

Thank-you so much for that feedback Gina. It's nice to hear positive encouragement, given how unsure I felt crafting this post. I'm new at teaching online and I'm feeling thankful for this opportunity to put stuff out there to hear from others!