and the community building continues...

and the community building continues...

by Leonne Beebe -
Number of replies: 1

Thank you to Colleen, Gina, and Sylvia, our co-facilitators, and fellow FLOers.

Your sharing and input adds to the credibility and practicality or these Micro FLOs, and this continues to develop the community of FLO enthusiasts.

These 5 day micros are just short enough to be able to fit them in to a busy schedule and long enough to learn and explore the topic.  Time ran out for me this week. By Friday, everything I put on hold for the week caught up with me. Although I didn't reply to everyone's activity, I did read them and enjoyed the creativity and variety. I will  keep going back to this micro FLO to learn more.  

Out of confusion comes clarity,


In reply to Leonne Beebe

Re: and the community building continues...

by Gina Bennett -

Thanks, Leonne! This is my first FLO MicroCourse & I agree with you about the length: it's just short enough to be unintimidating, time-wise, yet long enough to actually sink your teeth into a topic. I'm sure we'll meet again in the FLO world (& maybe the UFV world as well, who knows?)

All the best
