Our MicroCourse has been underway for a day now & I've just been taking a few minutes to look around, see where we are, that kind of thing. This is a course about building community & I'm wondering how people experienced the "situating ourselves" activity using Moodle's glossary tool. I don't know about you but almost as soon as I had posted my "situation" I found myself checking back, looking to see who else had posted & reading the comments. I feel like I know everybody a little bit better & for me, that's an essential part of feeling "in community." But I'd be interested to hear what others think.
We had 8 people post an entry situating themselves & that accumulated more than 80 tags!!! We are a small but very diverse group, representing 5 provinces & 3 territories, 2 beverages, 3 animals, & an awful lot of interests.
I'm wondering how people made out with the Activity Packet, & if you were able to complete some of the 10 steps suggested there. What's been your experience of community building in the past? Have you ever tried to create a sense of community in an online course before? In what ways do you hope community building activities will change your learning environment?
This is such a busy time & no doubt many of you are busy with midterms. If you get a minute, check out Tara's "midterm motivation" idea (posted in the Sharing & Feedback forum) for an interesting approach to strengthening community in the middle of the semester.
Oh - before I forget - thanks to everybody who added resources to our Resource list. I don't know who added the idea about mindmap intros using Coggle but I'd love to learn more about that... can you share an example?