Talking about math

Talking about math

by Sylvia Currie -
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I attended the session A Dialogue Tool for Mathematicians and Non-Mathematicians because in my work with faculty I'm frequently asked about ways to design online math courses that a) avoid a student-instructor only exchange of assignments and communication about the assignments, and  b) allow materials to be produced by both instructors and students withoutout too much technical overhead.

In this session Jacob Groundwater gave some background information on the  P2P (Peer to Peer) Math Project and demonstrated how it will work in courses using only a web browser (no special software, no plug ins). Some of this presentation was very technical, but Jacob has a real knack for explaining the nitty gritty details of how the pieces work together -- XML, LaTeX, Math-ML. Don't ask me to turn around and explain it to someone else, but it was enough to form a mental map of how this all works. I'm hoping someone else who attended the session can fill in some gaps here!

This project is Open Source and the developers are interested in connecting with others for research and development. The next steps will be to "get this to the wiki level", in other words make it even easier for students to work together to provide peer feedback and to author documents using complex equations in a shared environment.

Very cool! cool