Exploring Options, Selecting Approaches: Bb Collaborate LIVE

Exploring Options, Selecting Approaches: Bb Collaborate LIVE

by Sylvia Riessner -
Number of replies: 4

Please join me in our first LIVE (synchronous, online) Blackboard webinar (webmeeting?) session tomorrow,

  • Wednesday, August 5th from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon PDT (see your time zone)  
    Remember to have a headset with a microphone (a webcam would be great too so we can meet "face2face" but it's optional) Try to join a little ahead of the scheduled time so you can complete the audio setup wizard (instructions on the first slide when you enter the room)
  • To get to the room:  http://urls.bccampus.ca/scopeevents

Note:  If you run into trouble, I'll be monitoring the chat window in Collaborate. If you can't connect, email me sylviar@northwestel.net (I'll keep that open too).

Exploring Options, Selecting Approaches

During the LIVE session, I'd like to spend some time talking about engaging students AND how to get started on your online learning activity plan / build project. My proposed agenda:

  • Introductions and sharing your objectives / intentions for the seminar
  • Addressing any questions / confusions
  • Quick recap of the reason we're using the Bonk and Khoo book "TEC-Variety" to frame our seminar work (see "A Starting Point: Framing Our Approach".)
  • Discuss questions embedded in Linoit bulletin board shown in:  First Steps: Planning Your OLA  We can talk about some of the practical questions about how we can best share our developing plans to gather feedback from experienced online facilitators.
  • Review the connections I presented in the topic thread:  Finding OLA Ideas & Resources - between the motivational elements in the 10 Principles, the additional Padagogy Wheel resource.  I'll ask you for suggestions as to the best way to share additional ideas for learning activities and/or tools/apps that might be useful (using the 10 principles to organize our growing collection? and where?)

If you can't make the synchronous session, we will record it and post it as soon as possible.

If there are questions you'd like us to consider, please post them to this forum before 10:50 am tomorrow!



In reply to Sylvia Riessner

Re: Exploring Options, Selecting Approaches: Bb Collaborate LIVE

by Leonne Beebe -

Unfortunately, I will be working away from my computer tomorrow for the BB Collaborate session.  Perhaps, I should have waited to see the BBC video before I sent in my first draft. It is a basic beginner activity... (I am working on my visuals for this activity, so I'm open to suggestions).

My main concern for planning online learning activities is my students' lack of computer skills and/or Blackboard Learn LMS experience/skills at this beginner's level.  Most have not written self-assessment reflective journals before, so I use guided questions to get them started. Since most know how to basic word process,  I am using these skills in their Review and Reflect Journal activity. What I experienced from my last term students is that they started to add other skills/tools to their journal posts as they felt more comfortable with their own skills.  I do have the advantage with the "tech enhanced" class of teaching the students f2f and making sure they all know how to use the BBL tools before they have to use it on their own. I also work with them after class in the computer lab to make sure they have the help they need f2f.  This support is not always available in the typical online course.

I look forward to watching you all in the BBC video.

Out of confusion comes clarity,


In reply to Sylvia Riessner

Re: Exploring Options, Selecting Approaches: Bb Collaborate LIVE

by Viviana Chiorean -

Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this session as I am at work, and have a work related webinar in the exact time frame! I look forward to the recording!


In reply to Sylvia Riessner

About to get started...

by Sylvia Riessner -

If you have some time in the next hour, and want to talk about how you'll develop your engaging online learning activity, think about joining us in the Blackboard Collaborate room -