Finding OLA Ideas & Resources

Finding OLA Ideas & Resources

by Sylvia Riessner -
Number of replies: 2

Now we come to the meat of the moment (I think that's called mixing metaphors?)

I've created a quick audible presentation to connect the ideas about motivation with the "10 Principles" Framework with different types of learning activities, examples AND an additional model (framework?) that links motivation, SAMR, Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, questions and technological tools to build with. 

And I'm attaching the illustration I created. You'll notice I didn't include 10 OLAs for each principle - I included the ideas that seemed unique or more useful than others - mostly to keep the map from getting too busy. You can find a complete list in Table 1.1 in TEC-Variety!

And here's a link to the Padlet that collects resources around developing different learning activities through the framework of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy with an emphasis on digital tools and apps.

More to come...are you dizzy yet?

Attachment OLA Map.png
In reply to Sylvia Riessner

Fixed the screencast

by Sylvia Riessner -

Audible presentation is now embedded in the post instead of being downloadable. Should be a lot easier for you to view and review.

In reply to Sylvia Riessner

Finding Tools to create your OLAs

by Sylvia Riessner -

During the LIVE Collaborate session last week, I shared a list of some current favourite websites that I go to, to check for ideas for tools to build learning activities (or just to play). I found a new one this week so thought I'd post it here.

If you have favourite tech tool sites you follow for ideas, please share. This SCoPE seminar stays open and is archived for future reference. 

From last week:

FLO Harvest wikiFLO Harvest wiki - ideas for tools with comments and information - shared by participants in BCcampus' Facilitating Learning Online workshops.

Kathy Schrock's Guide to EverythingKathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - I've followed her for years and always found something useful. Check out the activities list that provides ideas on how to use the activity and examples of how it was done. 

EdudemicEdudemic - been following for just over a year now  - found some good information and ideas here - check out the New Tools page.

Teacher Training Videos by Russell StannardTeacher Training Videos by Russell Stannard - just found a month ago - still reviewing - seems very useful

This week's find

Yale University - Online ToolsYale Center for Language Study - Online Teaching Tools and Resources - some interesting tools here that I've never seen before - will blog about them in the future as I test them out.