Intermediate Classroom PC Networking

Re: Intermediate Classroom PC Networking

by Leva Lee -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Derek,

Welcome to this ETUG space and sorry for my delayed response. Many of us are in the midst of conference season and I've been away and helping to coordinate a few so it's been busy!

I did ask a few ETUG friends about your question:

  • I would suggest a wireless router that isn’t connected to the internet for the simplest solution. If the printer is networkable (ie. Doesn’t have to be linked to a specific computer) that would be best.      Keith
  • Wondering if this is maybe something the Pirate Box (for those who attended the fall workshop) might address? Or even the LibraryBox (for those planning to view our poster at upcoming ETUG). Would probably be a good solution for the file sharing aspect anyway… not so sure about printer sharing.     Gina

Regarding the LibraryBox ...Check this out...

Gina and I are also doing a poster on it at the upcoming ETUG workshop. We feel it is something particularly of value to those travelling to far-flung places to help with teaching/learning and/or the distribution of open education resources.

I hope this helps. Cheers,
