Questions of Research

Questions of Research

by Roy Williams -
Number of replies: 2

Researching 'learning in the open' or 'learning in social networks' or 'emergent learning' is an interesting and difficult business. 

Particularly because it has to address learning which is a mashup of epistemology, ontology, affect, community, serendipity and much more besides. 

So ... we are trying to find new languauge (or reconfigure old language?) to meet this emergent kind of learning (not entirely new, but taken quite a few 'new' steps forward by social media).

In Jaap's blog post (and some responses), here, questions are raised about the role of subjectivity, judgement, reflection and description. 

Any thoughts on how to take these issues forward (either with footprints or beyond)? 

In reply to Roy Williams

Re: Questions of Research

by Jaap Bosman -

Roy, on your question I tried to translate critical factors in Dutch. 


In reply to Jaap Bosman

Re: Questions of Research

by Roy Williams -

Jaap, many thanks.  I agree, translating is a great way to explore and share meaning-in-multiple-contexts.

I will respond later in more detail - just to say I love 'soepel' as a component of ambiguity - could even be a replacement for ambiguity in Dutch, thought I dont think supple would work in English (and I'm constantly cross-referencing this to Afrikaans, which I know quite well). 

Translation as "trying to read the wind?"  - which is a supple / subtle skill, no?