1. The 4th annual Gathering of Online Community Enthusiasts will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia at SFU Woodward's on June 14, 2012. Once again, the date for this event lines up with the Northern Voice conference, so you can easily attend both. The theme this year is facilitation, which is leaves the door open to many excellent possibilites for the day! To indicate your interest in attending please RSVP.
2. Michelle Laurie and Nancy White are organizing another Graphic Facilitation Workshop in beautiful Rossland, BC July 18-20, 2012. I highly recommend this workshop!
3. The next CPSquare Foundations Workshop begins April 9, 2012. I love this advice from a past participant: "Take it without hesitation. Take it without hesitation. You will go through invaluable learning experience and also develop relationships with people all over the world." So true!