Accessibility Options for Ebooks/Readers

Accessibility Options for Ebooks/Readers

by B Ferrell -
Number of replies: 1

I have added a paragraph on the blog on special accessibility ereaders, software and books from Daisy that may be used on Daisy readers and some tablets.


Audio books or "books on cd" have been around for a long time, but the audio books most related to mobile learning are those designed for reader users who have a problem with print. The Daisy format has been designed for those users and stands forĀ  "Digital Accessible Information System" or Digital Talking Book.

The books are based upon the Daisy Standards and will support both text to speech and Braille output content in a mixed media approach for various readers and tablets.

Available Daisy formatted books can be found here as well as other sites listed on the Daisy site. Bookshare offers them free for qualifying students.

The ASB has some public domain books that you can download and use with a public reader