February 7 Web Conference: eBook Authoring Strategies and Platforms with Scott Leslie

February 7 Web Conference: eBook Authoring Strategies and Platforms with Scott Leslie

by Sylvia Currie -
Number of replies: 3

I hope you can all join the web conference tomorrow (or whatever that means in your time zone). Scott Leslie, who has been doing heaps of research on open textbooks, will be walking us through some ebook authoring strategies and platforms. There will be lots of time for Q&A as well. 

What: eBook Authoring Strategies and Platforms with Scott Leslie. Moderator: Randy LaBonte

When: Tuesday, February 7 at 13:30 PT (see your time zone

Where: eCampusAlberta Elluminate room

This session is part of the monthly eCampusAlberta Online Professional Learning SeriesBonus! Following this 1-hour session there will be a course showcase from Keyano College. 

In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: February 7 Web Conference: eBook Authoring Strategies and Platforms with Scott Leslie

by Sylvia Currie -

Here are the slides for Scott's February 7th presentation:

In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: February 7 Web Conference: eBook Authoring Strategies and Platforms with Scott Leslie

by Susanne Nyrop -

Scott, I am really looking forward to your presentation and our following discussion. I skimmed your slides (another convenient way of getting a fast forward knowledge in no time using screen reading).

In the past, ever since I grew into such a webhead, I've been blogging, wordpress-style, with blogspot, xanga and Elgg, in the context of Edublogs (that has now been put to sleep). I've been into wiki(spaces) as an easy manageable writing tool. Moodle also allows quite a bit of easy sharing with a select group.

Like you, I'm not yet convinced that iPads would be my preferred standard, especially because of Apple's possesive rules. And also because my poor vision enjoys the comfort of the large 24" screen on my iMac

And then I stumbled on something new (or classic - but in a new dress):         the idea of Book Sprints, not because of the technology but of the collaboration model. get together, decide what has to be done, and then do it. More or less so. Now that is something I've been doing in the past, somehow, I would like to do more, and more often.

Back to reading Scott's slides...

yours, Sus

In reply to Sylvia Currie

Recording - eBook Authoring Strategies and Platforms with Scott Leslie

by Sylvia Currie -

We had a good turnout for yesterday's session on eBook Authoring Strategies and Platforms. BIG thanks to Scott for such a well-organized tour through this topic. We learned that it can become quite complex depending on your goals for your writing project!

Also thanks to Randy LaBonte for moderating, and for helping to connect SCoPE and eCampusAlberta Online Professional Learning Community discussions.



Session Description:

Ever since the start of the digital age the promise of “write once, read many places” has loomed large, and yet it has not been until recently, with both the advent of eReaders & tablets as well as modernized & simplified authoring platforms has this promise been so easy to become a reality.