

by Deirdre Bonnycastle -
Number of replies: 2

Medical Education is heavily into videos at the medical school, continuing medical education and patient education level so I thought I'd share some examples.

Motivation: http://youtu.be/sS-KyhAzeUY

Hospital: http://www.youtube.com/user/mayoclinic?feature=watch

Patient Info: http://www.youtube.com/user/PreOpcom

Medical Education: http://www.medicine.usask.ca/tips/index.php

Medical Songs for stress relief: http://medicaleducation.wetpaint.com/page/Songs

In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: Examples

by Amy S -

Thanks for getting us started with some examples, Deirdre! 


We share some previews from our videos: http://www.actcommunity.net/autism-education/act-online-videos/77-mental-health-and-individuals-with-asd.html - as you can see, it's the simple recording from a podium, but it does provide access that otherwise wouldn't be there! 


When I was at the eLearning showcase at the Justice Institute a few months ago, one of the presentations was on instructional video for a cooking school. Now I LOVE this technology, but the presenter also said they'd invested something like a million dollars in creating the technology: http://rouxbe.com/cooking-school there are a few intro videos there to give you an idea. 

In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: Examples

by Amy S -

From a posting by Colin Madland in another thread:

"one of the best uses of video that I have encountered is at www.veritasium.com, in particular the videos which address common scientific misconceptions (which is, I think, where the added value comes into play)."