What combination of tools is going to attract vols?

What combination of tools is going to attract vols?

by simon fenton-jones -
Number of replies: 4

We all have our favourite tools (applications if they are on a computer, services if they are on a network). To make a list of the basic ones in the wikieducator space; 

1. Moodle

2. Wiki

3. Google group

I'd be interested in any other "asynchronous" ones.

The other tools, the ones which cost real money, are the synchronous ones, real time communications tools as my network friends refer to them; Skype being the ubiquitous one. WE seem to have a preference for:

1. Elluminate

2. WizIQ

3. VSee (mentioned by Gene the other day)

E.g. Our hosts in this domain have their preferred combination mapped out. They also have a preference for another real time  tool.

So I'd be interested in what combination of tools OERUers might be able to agree upon, which might be so attractive - intuitive and fashionable - that every learner would beat a path to the OERu cloud.

Single Sign On of course.

In reply to simon fenton-jones

Re: What combination of tools is going to attract vols?

by Brent Lee -

Hi Simon,

Here are a couple tools I could not live without

1. Google Plus. (Hangouts --Trumps Skype)

2. Google Docs 

3. Wordpres Multiuser

4. VUE Mapping (Tufts)

I will post more as they arise. 



Brent Lee

In reply to simon fenton-jones

Re: What combination of tools is going to attract vols?

by Kathleen Zarubin -

Not sure this is the right place to post this - But I have a 15 person Blackboard Collaborate Room (used to be Elluminate) which I am happy to donate for 'anyone' to use anytime for small groups? 

In reply to simon fenton-jones

Re: What combination of tools is going to attract vols?

by Wayne Mackintosh -

It's great to see the thematic discussions emerging even before the official start of our seminar. 

Simon, thanks for your initiative to get the tools and infrastructure discussion theme started.

I think that its worthwhile to categorise the tools according to the main "user groups" within the OERTen as there are different requirements, policy related issues etc. I think the following categories might be useful

  1. OERu open infrastructure tools. These will be co-ordinated by the OER Foundation at this time. As a matter of policy, the OER Foundation will not use any non-free infrastructure tools. This is aligned with our committment to the essential freedoms and policy that no learner should be expected to sacrifice their freedoms in software choices. Morever, the anchor partners have agreed that OERu learners should not impose additional licensing costs for the local institution, especially those technologies where the licenses are based on the number of student registrations. 
  2. OERu anchor partner technologies. These are the preferred technologies used on campus by the anchor partners. The OERu courses will be designed and developed in a way which will faciliate easy integration into the local technologies (for example the preferred learning management system.) The anchor partners have agreed that during the prototype phase we will use WikiEducator as a collaborative development environment and utilise WikiEducator's features for integrating and remixing content for delivery using local technologies. 
  3. OERu learner technologies. These are students working through OERu courses before they are formerly registerd at any of the anchor partners. The OER Foundation is committed to free culural works approved licensing which has a requirement for using free and open file formats. Therefore OERu learners would be able to use the technologies of their choice. 
  4. OERu student technologies.  The term OERu students is used here to distinguish those OERu learners who decide to aquire assessment and credential services from an anchor partner. These technology choices will be determined by the indivual anchor partners because under the OERu model, contributing members retain institutional autonomy in decisions, including technology.    

I think this is a useful framework to keep focused on what is going to be realistically doable for the 2012 prototypes. Clearly long term discussions will continue as the OERu matures - -but we need to remain focused on achieving the decisions for implementing the 2012 prototypes. 



In reply to simon fenton-jones

Re: What combination of tools is going to attract vols?

by Vasi Doncheva -
Thanks Simon for your contribution,
we all have our favourite tools and like exploring new alternatives. The top 3 you have listed are my favorites too and we already use them at my institution.

It will be good to keep the discussion about tools and technology contained here - in this forum as the main focus of this seminar is on designing and developing the AVI framework - wich is more concerned with process and people than tools at this stage.

The time exploring tools will come and all the information and input gathered in this forum will be quite useful then but is premature at this time.

