Quick question: are you expecting to attend the LAK11 conference? https://tekri.athabascau.ca/analytics/
If you are, any suggestions on informal chats/get togethers/etc?
No funds :( Wish you a productive time and hope to see some blog posts....
Looking forward to it -- should be a way to really tie the pieces of this course together.
I am hoping for some set networking time...for me that is an essential component of attending in person
Yes. I'll be attending the conference. Looking forward for the presentations and discussions.
Unfortunately I don't have the budge to go to the conferenc. Will there be any steaming of sessions? I will be monitoring the backchannel to find out what's going on.
unfortunately or fortunately not sure :-) I will not be able to attend, as I will be up to my neck in diapers (two month old baby at the moment of the LAK conference).
Congratulations Inge, hope you find lots of pockets of sleep too.
George, we are not sure yet about anyone from Surrey but hope to confirm soon. If there is a group working on remote access, happy to be involved if another pair of hands needed.
George, we are not sure yet about anyone from Surrey but hope to confirm soon. If there is a group working on remote access, happy to be involved if another pair of hands needed.
I will not be there.