Hello everyone

Hello everyone

by Hyman Wong -
Number of replies: 8

Hello. This is Hyman Wong from Hong Kong. I am happy to be here and share with you my background. I am an English teeacher by training and now work in education admin in daytime and teach English courses in the evening. I had some online course experience both as a participant and facilitator.

Online course like this is very interesting and demanding to me. I could meet specialists and like-minded people in a place. And it is demanding to chase all readings, messages etc.    

I join this course because I am interested to know more about more learner generated data can benefit other learners in ESL context. It is my goal to pursue a PhD in this area. I would consider this course a succes if I could make progress in my reserach topic.


In reply to Hyman Wong

Re: Hello everyone

by Vanessa Vaile -
Hello Hyman,

I teach English too ~ not many of here I suspect. Currently, I'm trying to develop self-paced study groups for online ESL learners, with an emphasis on writing, and hope learning analytics will help me. Plus I want to learn more about this kind of course ~ taking some seems like the best way to learn about them.
In reply to Vanessa Vaile

Re: Hello everyone

by ines cambiasso -

Hello Vanessa and Hyman,

I also teach EFL in Buenos Aires, Argentina, have an MA in education from UEA in UK. I´m learning a lot already, have learned in other MOOCs with George Siemens and don´t know yet how I´m going to apply all this but more knowledge is always welcome and I´m sure I´ll find numerous opportunities to use this knowledge.Nice to meet you here.

In reply to ines cambiasso

Re: Hello everyone

by Hyman Wong -

Hi Ines,

Nice to connect with more people with similar background. This is a course with large number of participants. I am sure we could share more in more area. 

Personally, I have been following this topic for some time but with very little progress. Using data mining approach to help ESL is totally new to me and I think is promising. There is limited literature in this area too. PErhaps we could exhange our views more on this topic.



In reply to ines cambiasso

Re: Hello everyone

by Vanessa Vaile -
Hello Ines

I feel the same way ~ not sure how I will use this either, or even when, but more knowledge is always welcome ... and sooner or later will somehow be useful

By the way, since we're encouraged to start our own subgroups here, why not one for ESL/ English/ language arts?
In reply to Vanessa Vaile

Re: Hello everyone -- ESL/ELA

by Cris Crissman -
Hey Vanessa, an ESL/ELA subgroup sounds good to me. I bet you're right that there aren't many of us in LAK11. Your writing groups for ESL kids sound really interesting. Are you by any chance using any virtually immersive environments in your teaching of ESL? I know many ESL educators are. Just checking.
In reply to Vanessa Vaile

Re: Hello Vanessa

by ines cambiasso -
A subgroup would be a good idea. I feel worlds apart from some of the engineers/scientists/technicians in the course. On the other hand I´m learning so much I feel amazed.
In reply to Vanessa Vaile

Re: Hello everyone

by Hyman Wong -

Hi Venessa. Nice to meet you . Your self paced study group sounds interesting. I believe learning analtics could apply but it might need a very large group size to generate sufficient data to benefit other learners. Let's share more in this course.


In reply to Hyman Wong

Re: Hello everyone

by Vanessa Vaile -
Hi Hyman

I'm more interested in drawing on someone else's data than collecting and analyzing my own, which would be more than a little problematic for a number of reasons.

● I need to start with a much smaller group, small enough to eyeball personally and tweak as I go along (which would skew data)

● I'm not using an LMS, so automatic generation of data could be a problem. and

● self-pace study and open access matter more now than analytics ...

maybe later...