Greetings from San Jose, Calfornia

Greetings from San Jose, Calfornia

by Carrie Tanasichuk -
Number of replies: 1

I am a learning research analyst at Adobe Systems, Inc. My main interest in taking this course is to develop an understanding of what learning looks like (and how it can be measured) in an environment such as

My background is in Applied Social Psychology, which is focused on taking social psychological theory and applying that in the real world.

Looking forward to some interesting discussions!

In reply to Carrie Tanasichuk

Re: Greetings from San Jose, Calfornia

by Jeff Grann -

Hi Carrie,

Glad you're joining the course. Based on your very cool job and education, I'm looking forward to following your posts and reflections.

I've used Adobe Connect's poll tool for some work with groups of faculty and found it quite helpful. Hope you can share some of your plans for these tools as well.

