Hi Everyone,
My name is Apostolos Koutropoulos (but most people call me "AK"). I live in Salem, MA but I work in Boston.
I am interested in this course for two reasons:
1. This is my first MOOC, so I am interested in seeing how people learn and a respond in an Open Course, especially when there is no grade involved (where's the carrot and/or the stick?! :-) )
2. One of the things that I've heard in both my Instructional Design Masters and my Applied Linguistics Masters is "define your learners", otherwise how do you know who you are teaching? This course seemed pretty compelling, considering the vast amount of knowledge that is available from our learners these days.
What would have to happen for me to consider this course a success? Well, learn a couple of things from my peers (I don't have to be an expert, but I should be self-sufficient), and I would like to grow my PLN with other people interested in the same materials
So, what do I do?
I am a training coordinator for the Library at the University of Massachusetts at Boston; I am curious, and eager to share what I know with others.
more info here: http://www.linkedin.com/in/koutropoulos
By the way, I am not an Open Networker, but if you want to connect do mentioned LAK11 and I will be more than happy to connect with you and share what I know :-)