Where are you online?

Where are you online?

by George Siemens -
Number of replies: 55
Now that week 1 is out of the way, let's start connecting with each other outside of Moodle. Where are you online? i.e. share you twitter, blog, or other accounts with others in this discussion thread.
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Atul Sabnis -
Ah! I am online at so many locations - I use the Google profile to list these locations:


~ Atul
In reply to Atul Sabnis

Re: Where are you online?

by Jeanette Delgado -

Hi, Atul Sabnis

If this was  fb I will select like in your link, It is a great way to identify all our locations, thanks for sharing, I will try to use it. Jeanette

In reply to Atul Sabnis

Re: Where are you online?

by Marta Rosa -
Thank you Atul for sharing the info. I like the Google Profile tool. Im going to try it.
Nice day...
In reply to Atul Sabnis

Re: Where are you online?

by Atul Sabnis -
Hello Jeanette, Marta,

Thank you! I already get the feeling this has been liked! If you blog using WordPress, you may also consider http://en.gravatar.com/ (you can do the same thing like a Google Profile, and it looks much better) or try https://about.me/ (another good looking Profile creator with analytics!! Yaay!)

In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Dr Kinshuk -

Kinshuk here, with research focus on adaptivity and personalization, where I hope to benefit from some advance applications of learning/knowledge analytics. My online presence is:

Twitter: kinshuk1



In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Marta Rosa -
Hello. Some place you can find me online is

Twitter: @marosamora

Nice day and see you online
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by merce galan -
My online presence is mainly:

Twitter: @MediaLabE

blog Media-Lab E-learning: www.media-lab.es/info

Art: www.submergentes.org

Hope to see you here, I'm going to follow you

In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Mark Gbur -
Mark Gbur

Twitter: thestaticfrost@gmail.com
Quora: http://www.quora.com/Mark-Gbur
Blog: http://thestaticfrost.posterous.com
about.me: http://about.me/gbur

In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Holly MacDonald -
My landing page (includes twitter, LinkedIn and wordpress blog):

Twitter: @sparkandco
Blog: sparkyourinterest.wordpress.com
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Deleted user -
I have two FB accounts; one for socializing with friends and one for teaching/supporting my students online:


(this is the one I use for educational purposes)

I also have a delicious account:


I have a twitter account which I don't use much


My Linkedin account. I don't use it much either


In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online? donde me encuentro?

by Luis Torres Yepez -



congrats, salut, saludos

In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Gillian Palmer -

I need to move my bookmarks across from Delicious to Diigo where the new account is GillianP
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Michael Paskevicius -
I am reflecting on LAK11 on my blog here: http://www.bluelightdistrict.org/wp/?cat=11

and I tweet from: http://twitter.com/mpaskevi

In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Paul Bond -
I'm something of a novice blogger/tweeter, but I hope to work on it.
blog: http://pbsmoocs.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @phb256
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Pablo José Castillo -
Hi all, my life in the cloud:

My Blog:
Google Profile

And Dropbox, Evernote, etc
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Hans de Zwart -
Closest to who I am: http://blog.hansdezwart.info (if you are only interested in the Lak11 related entries go to http://blog.hansdezwart.info/tag/lak11 or subscribe to this RSS feed).

I am a pretty boring Twitter user: @hansdezwart (searchable archive at http://www.hansdezwart.info/tweets)

I love reading and do it in public: http://www.goodreads.com/hansdezwart

My professional network is on LinkedIn as much as possible: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/hansdezwart

My bookmarks now live at Diigo (and are all public, so beware): http://www.diigo.com/user/hansdezwart

Google Reader produces a feed with my favourite tweets (of others), my bookmarks and the articles I share from Google Reader. You can subscribe to it here.

On another note: who, who will be the first one to intelligently scrape this thread and turn it into something interesting and more machine readable? Will it be Tony Hirst?
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by John Whitmer -
Wow - impressive Web 2.0 info tools - I've picked up a bunch to explore - here's mine:

Twitter (although mostly read-only): johncwhitmer
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1314040194
ePortfolio: http://www.epsilen.com/jwhitmer
Delicious: johnc099
Flickr: JohnCecil

Posting these, though, I recognize that I'm mostly a lurker on these sites ... email remains my main communication to my connections .... slow on the meaningful adoption curve, although access and experimentation isn't a problem.

In reply to John Whitmer

Re: Where are you online?

by stefaan vande walle -
Here's my bunch of web 2.0 addresses:

Twitter: @stefaanvw (apart from LAK11, mainly tweets on education, Cambodia and - sometimes - astronomy)

Blog: stefedu.blogspot.com. Just freshly launched. And elsenstefaan.blogspot.com , with stories from life in "the Penh"

Delicious: http://www.delicious.com/vandewst

Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/StefaanVandeWalle/newsfeed

In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Mark Melia -
Hi all,

You will find me on twitter @markmelia

See you in cyberspace!

In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Martin Hawksey -

I'm also automatically populating a twitter list of tweople using #lak11 here http://twitter.com/mhawksey/lists/lak11

(using http://www.rsc-ne-scotland.org.uk/mashe/2010/11/auto-twitter-list/)

In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Rurik Nackerud -
Name Rurik

I tend to live in a couple places at the same time but...

Twitter: @ruriknackerud

Personal/Professional Blog: http://rurik.nackerud.net (NEW!)
Group Blog: http://www.center4edupunx.com

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/rurik-rory-nackerud/4/553/14b

Virtual Worlds
Second Life Avatar: Rurik Bellingshausen
JokaydiaGrid Avatar: Rurik Nackerud
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Bert De Coutere -
You can find me here:

Web home page:


In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Apostolos Koutropoulos -
I am online in many places!

My Google Profile lists most places I can connect: http://www.google.com/profiles/a.koutropoulos

My Homepage: http://www.club-admiralty.com

My personal twitter account (private): @AdmiralAK
My community manager (open) twitter account: @umbgida

Some documents on Scribd:http://www.scribd.com/foveros
In reply to Apostolos Koutropoulos


by Linda Burns -
I too am a proud owner of a Newton, still in the package, and batteries, keyboard, all kinds of things. I have been keeping it as a antique. I did not know there are still people using the Newton. Thanks for the information. Apple was too far ahead of everyone else.
In reply to Linda Burns

Re: Newton

by Apostolos Koutropoulos -
Check out the NewtonTalk list :-)
There are still many who use the device for day to day operations! Lots of enthusiasts out there looking to get the OS running on an iPad!

I have mine in a box (since it doesn't have any unicode fonts that include Greek, and I really need Greek these days).
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Sheila MacNeill -
Hi Everyone

For work, I'm mostly online on twitter: sheilmcn, my blog: http://blogs.cetis.ac.uk/sheilamacneill/, facebook - search for Sheila MacNeill.
and linked-in http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=33502933&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro

I've also played around with some aggregation sites such as:


In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Sandra Mudd -
Sandra Mudd here - my twitter address is: Troysmum
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Richard Olsen -
I prefer to make stuff than to write but
twitter: @richardolsen
delicious: mysorehead

I've also created a blog for this but haven't written a post (yet) http://richardolsen.me/b/
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Linda Burns -

Blog: http://lindaleea.wordpress.com/

Twitter: SailWozniak

Second Life and Opensim: Sail Wozniak
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Dianne Rees -
Hi all:

On Twitter: I'm @callooh
On LinkedIn: I'm
My blog: Instructional Design Fusions
My website: www.atomicmeme.com
On Diigo, I'm: http://www.diigo.com/user/diannerees
On miio: I'm also @callooh
On Amplify: I'm http://callooh.amplify.com/
On Quora: I'm http://www.quora.com/Dianne-Rees

Of course my secret self is elsewhere entirely :)
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Fred Haas -
Here is some of where I am:

Twitter: @akh003
Blog: http://haaslearning.wordpress.com

In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Adam Weisblatt -
Twitter: @weisblatt
I attend #lrnchat on Twitter 8:30 ET on Thursday nights.

Blog: http://weisblatt.wordpress.com
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Wolfgang Greller -
My weblog with reflections on the course is at

I am also on twitter: wgreller
and on facebook: wgreller
linkedin: wgreller
plaxo: wgreller
xing: wgreller
In reply to George Siemens

Re: Where are you online?

by Larry Phillips -

My personal page http://clubweb.interbaun.com/~l-pphillips/
My education site http://clubweb.interbaun.com/~l-pphillips/quantum/

Blogs -- relatively inactive

Finding a Way

Education for Today and Tomorrow
This was set up for Plenk2010 and will be used for Lak11 and ckk11

ljpother on Twitter and Garden Web
ljp on Tomatoville
linkedin - just opened account
various email accounts