Hi from Barcelona-Spain

Hi from Barcelona-Spain

by Dolors Capdet -
Number of replies: 2
Hi all from Barcelona - Spain.
I'm Graduated in Communication, Master in Virtual Training, and I'm working with the ICE of Barcelona University and the UdIE of Valencia University.
One of my interests is the data mining.
In reply to Dolors Capdet

Re: Hi from Barcelona-Spain

by merce galan -
Hi Dolors, I just saw that you are teaching a course in Valencia, what a pity, and I was late, however I found your blog and I find very interesting. I'll take a look. I hope to keep in contact. Greetings

Hola Dolors, acabo de ver que vas a dar un curso en Valencia, qué lastima, ya he llegado tarde, no obstante he encontrado tu blog y me parece muy interesante. Voy a echarle un vistazo. Confío en que sigamos en contacto. Un saludo
In reply to merce galan

Re: Hi from Barcelona-Spain

by Dolors Capdet -
Moles gràcies, Mercè. :)
Ben segur que serà enriquidor estar en contacte.