I am Xavier, from Guayaquil, Ecuador

I am Xavier, from Guayaquil, Ecuador

by Xavier Ochoa -
Number of replies: 2
Hi everybody,

I am Xavier Ochoa from the currently hot and humid city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. I am a professor at ESPOL, a local polytechnic university.

I am very interested in the use of measurements and metrics in order to (really) understand the learning process. I am specially interested in measuring the impact that learning technologies have on the students, teachers and institutions.

My research has been focused on the production and reuse of Learning Objects. How Learning Object repositories operate, how they grow and how they die. I am involved in the work of two large repositories: ARIADNE in Europe and FLOR in Latin America. I am also involved in GLOBE, the international network of learning object repositories.

From the theoretical point of view, I see the learning and education as a set of complex systems. The production of educational content has shown to behave as such. The same can be said to the consumption of those materials, the networking between individuals, and almost every aspect of the educational problem. If we want to create tools to help students and teachers, first we need to understand the process in which those tools would help and also how to measure if they have the desired impact.

It is the first time that I will follow a MOOC. I am very excited about the opportunity to discuss and network with you all.

More information about myself and my work, please visit my homepage .

In reply to Xavier Ochoa

Re: I am Xavier, from Guayaquil, Ecuador

by Luis Torres Yepez -
Hola Xavier,

Yo soy mexicano con fuertes raíces ecuatorianas, interesado en las nuevas tecnologías para el estudio de las interacciones, los nuevos actores en las comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje: los agentes, objetos sociales y cognitivos, entre otros. Participo actualmente en diferentes grupos de investigación en México, Barcelona y París. El tema de los sistemas multi-agentes y los sistemas complejos son un tema de mi interés.

Espero poder compartir experiencias contigo.

Saludos y por acá nos veremos.
In reply to Xavier Ochoa

Re: I am Xavier, from Guayaquil, Ecuador

by Claudia Guerrero -
Hola Javier

Un saludo desde México, se aprecia que el inglés no es problema para tí, yo sólo lo leo, por eso es un gusto que de pronto podamos comunicarnos en español, yo tomé un curso en construcción de OA, utilizamos RELOAD y EXE, la evaluación en estos ambientes es todo un tema.

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