

by Schawn Thropp -
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Hello LAK11 Group.  I am very excited about the learning experience that is about to happen and cannot wait to share insights and learned from the 400+ participants.

I am from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA.  I have been working in the Learning, Education, Training and Performance Support world for over 10 years.  My educational background is in Computer Science, however for those 10+ years I have been applying that education in the Learning, Education, Training and Performance Support field.

Over the past 10 years I have been working on the U.S DoD Advanced Distributed Learning program.  During my time I have worked in many standards organizations (IEEE LTSC, AICC, IMS, OASIS, ISO IEC) in the development of international learning, education and training standards.  I was the lead engineer, developer and editor of the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM(R))  and have assisted in the development of many prototypes around SCORM.  My interests include learning analytics, SoMe, Gaming and Mobile.

In order for this course to be a success for me, I hope to gain more knowledge and insight into the world of analytics and its applicability to learning, education and training.  I also hope to continue to bulid a strong network of peers to share experiences and grow professionally.