November 8-26, 2010
About this seminar
This seminar will cover blogging strategies for participating effectively within professional networks. Topics will include:
- strategies for gathering information from various online sources
- organizing these sources within blog posts, and
- connecting with experts and peers by engaging in way-making activities to explore, find and connect with others.
Glenn Groulx teaches adult literacy courses in English and Computers at Northwest Community College, and is a graduate of Athabasca University's Master’s of Distance Education. What I have noticed about Glenn is that he is a perpetual researcher --always curious about how others engage in professional networks to advance learning.
Participating in SCoPE seminars
SCoPE seminars are free and open to the public, and registration is not required. You are welcome to come and go according to your schedule and interests. To contribute you will need to create an account on the SCoPE site -- a quick process. Are you new to SCoPE or wondering how to manage your participation? Check this resource.
If you're a Diigo or Delicious user be sure to add the tag 'ssproblog'. In Diigo also include the SCOPE group.
Off we go! Glenn has already kicked off with a couple questions about our reasons for blogging and current blogging practices. As always, feel free to start your own discussion threads with new topics as well.
If you have any questions about participating in SCoPE don't hesitate to ask here in the forum, or get in touch with me directly:
Sylvia Currie, scurrie@bccampus, skype: webbedfeat, +1 250-318-2907