Some Closing Remarks

Some Closing Remarks

by Brent Lee -
Number of replies: 0
Thank you all for participating in a wonderful discussion relating to the iPad!

In the last couple of days, I have deployed the developer version of iOS 4.2 to find some interesting changes to the technology:

--Multitasking on iPad
--Printing Support
--Game Center Evolution etc.

With any technology, this notion of constant change relating to the interface and user experience shows that they are listening and adapting. We have seen large gains on "the flash issue" (

...Some may argue that this is not the time to jump onto the bandwagon of tablet computing, but then others would say, "When is a good time to jump on it, when it is perfect?" Is technology ever perfect?

If we adopt the iPad in our classrooms today, will it enhance the learning experience? If so, how and at what cost to our already non-existent budgets. Should the student inherit yet another cost?

In my experience with apple tablet technology, it has added another "gizmo" to cart to my classroom which can hinder the focus on learning...

On the flip side, it has dealt enough positive influence that it remains on my desk:

--Marking is simple (CMS in my hand)
--Lighter device for presentations
--Email at my fingertips
--Consumption and Collection for later lecture

I will close and ask an interesting question:

If you could have any feature/application and the ear of a developer, what would your application be? Describe it, and perhaps you may see it on the store one day!

Many Thanks,
