Welcome: Professional Development Collaboratory

Re: Professional Development Collaboratory--Wiki?

by Dr. Nellie Deutsch -
Number of replies: 2
Ning is one of many social networks that is providing people with free space to connect, share, and learn. Boyd and Ellison (2008) wrote an interesting article on the subject of social networks.

I have created a few ning sites. Two popular ones international collaboration for my English learners to collaborate with other EFL students worldwide and Blended Learning and Instruction for educators interested in blended learning. My most recent one is called Connecting Online. All of my nings are private where people need to contact the organizers to join.

Boyd, D. M., & Ellison, N. B. (2008). Social network sites: definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13, 210-230. Retrieved August 31, 2008, from http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/117979376/PDFSTART
In reply to Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Re: Professional Development Collaboratory--Wiki?

by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers -
Dear Nellie,
Thanks for sharing the reference and clarifying more about ning for us. I think that they are a good idea for groups with a focus as your nings.

I'm wondering how many people have started nings and if they are significantly different than blogs -- where people can comment? Is it that they can be private learning places online and emphasize a focus and a discussion? Any comments? I'm new to ning.

Thanks Jo Ann
In reply to Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

Re: Professional Development Collaboratory--Wiki?

by Prince Obiri-Mainoo -
Hello Everyone,

My name is Prince Obiri-Mainoo. I am currently in Ghana since April 30 to promote computer literacy and e-learning, among others through my United States-based NGO, National Africa Foundation. I am due to return at the end of the month.

Though, I haven't been out visibly as now, I have been following your postings and comments from the distance. I must say that I am very impressed with what SCOPE is doing, and congratulate you all for that.

I have just a comment to make on my experience using ning. Unlike my experience with blogs at Google's blogspot and quite lately, also with Wordpress as a partner and co-author at eafrica , I find it quite cumbersome logging in to my account such as at Ghana Onondaga-Disney Interns, with questions about your pin even after providing your user-name and password. Otherwise, I applaud their several innovative features. I hope this explains a little bit about nings. Thank you all once again for your good work at SCOPE!
