This is the question that inspired me to start this discussion forum. I became aware of SoTL, something I've called a movement in another thread (although that's open for debate), a short time ago.
One of my ideas was that those of us who are interested might be able to contribute to the development of SoTL by engaging in discussion in this community site. It seems to me that the contributors to this forum have certainly generated a lot of interest and ideas about SoTL. But I'm wondering why there has been limited engagement from the SCoPE community at large, or from the attendees at the conference in Victoria.
One theory is that online communities are still innovative, and a fledgling movement is less able to engage in innovative practices than more established groups or organizations. I'm convinced that this kind of forum could contribute to SoTL, even if it's just as a communication vehicle. But I think that a lot more promotion, a lot more buy-in, and full engagement from interested educators are needed before the true potential will be achieved. Any other thoughts on this?