Thanks everyone!

Thanks everyone!

by Sylvia Currie -
Number of replies: 2
Thanks so much Jennifer and Heather for introducing us to this complex (and contagious!) topic of Viral Professional Development. This seminar itself was a good example of VPD -- we learn so much from the stories and resources we share. Thanks everyone! If we all made it a habit to make our work more visible think where we'd be today?

I've been wading through the resources generated through our discussion (organized by Jen here) and here's what struck me: As I check out each resource I can remember the context in which it was shared during our discussion. It makes it so much more meaningful that a) I know the person who shared it and b) there is more information surrounding that resource -- a personal story, a critique...whatever. It just reinforces that while the tools for sharing are supporting our professional learning, it's the people and interactions that really make a difference. approve

Our next seminar discussion is R2D2 - Empowering Online Learning with authors Curt Bonk and Ke Zhang July 21 - August 3, 2008. This is part of our Professional Reading Group Series so be sure to order a copy of the book now and start thinking about the topics you would like to raise!

Also, a couple small housekeeping items:
  1. You may have noticed a spam message posted to our Social Media in Education archived forum. Thankfully, this is the first time in nearly 3 years I've had to delete a forum post! But it does raise some concerns about our public access here in SCoPE. I deleted the post within 2 hours, tracked the log files for the offender, then deleted the account. Fingers crossed that it won't happen again. black eye
  2. June 26 - 27 we will be upgrading the Marginalia Web Annotation tool here in SCoPE so the site may be unavailable for a short time.
Sylvia Currie
Community Coordinator

In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Thanks everyone!

by Kyla Bates -

I was thinking about this topic last night and remembered a story that can be applied to VPD.  Here is a link that discusses it:  It is supposedly a true story about how things changed in the monkey world.  Check it out!


In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Thanks everyone!

by E.A. Draffan -
I am afraid I lurked throughout the last session but it was very interesting and I just wish I had more hours in the day. Thank you so much. I am also looking forward to the next session and have bought the book from but sadly we are not due to receive our copies until July 30th at the earliest. sad best wishes E.A.