Thank you!

Re: Thank you!

by Sylvia Currie -
Number of replies: 0
Thank you Catherine and Roselynn for volunteering your time to facilitate such an interesting seminar, and Deb for moderating our web conference! It would be interesting to follow up later to find out where we have all taken our eportfolio ideas, and what tools we have chosen to support them. And thanks everyone for your contributions. As Roselynn mentioned they have been very rich!

We've been gradually pulling tidbits into the ePortfolio seminar wiki, and bookmarking in our SCoPE Diigo group (tag: 'eportfolios', or as Paul said...why the 'e'? so we've been using 'portfolios' too smile) We can continue to build that wiki together. Also Derek asked:
"I may ponder my perennial question: what now? What happens if I encounter a thought or a question sometime in the future on the eportfolio question? Do I ever come back here and post?"
By all means you can continue to post here! When a seminar closed we shift into a phase of "afterthoughts" -- sort of an unmoderated continuation of a seminar.

Our next seminar begins tomorrow! Nicholas Bowskill will introduce us to the research and development work on the Shared Thinking project through University of Glasgow. Fascinating work! Hope to see you there.