Gina, thank you so much for taking the time from your busy life to facilitate this discussion. It is fascinating and challenging topic! And I love your comment about making oversights looks like strategies. I think we use that a lot here in SCoPE! (Speaking for myself of course! ) Thankfully, there are fewer oversights, or ones that people notice anyway, in informal learning!
Thanks everybody for your participation. We had a large number of "read-alongers" in this seminar, and I always like to also acknowledge those participants as well. So thanks EVERYBODY!
Our next seminar discussion is Social Media - Benefits for Researchers, facilitated by Ignatia de Waard. There is a scheduled WiZiQ presentation/discussion to kick off the discussion May 8, 8:00 AM PDT, 15:00 GMT. Hope to see everyone there!
Also, we have a very special event at SCoPE this month -- a 3-week online conference Shaping Our Future -- Toward a Pan-Canadian E-learning Research Agenda. We have a great line-up of presenters. There are no fees and everyone is invited! :-)
Sylvia Currie
SCoPE Coordinator