

by Gina Bennett -
Number of replies: 1
I've been leaving this discussion forum to lie fallow for a week & give us all time to reflect on new ways of teaching science.... OK, ok: actually I've been 'way too busy & just didn't get around to posting a wrap up until today! One of my emerging talents is the ability to make oversights look like strategies blush

I really appreciate the involvement of all the wonderful SCoPE-ers out there. So many of you presented great links, insights, & reflections on what it means not only to re-think the teaching of science, but to generally re-think traditional teaching in a number of ways. As I mentioned at the outset, the teaching of science has been near & dear to my heart since I first set foot at the front of lab classes for Bio. 150 at UVic, many years ago... And especially since becoming involved with our BCcampus- & Inukshuk sponsored Web-based Associate of Science Program Development Project.

If, indeed, you have been reflecting on this thread over the past week, or if some even-marginally-related notion occurs to you later, please post here again!

And once again, thanks for your contributions.

In reply to Gina Bennett


by Sylvia Currie -
Gina, thank you so much for taking the time from your busy life to facilitate this discussion. It is fascinating and challenging topic! And I love your comment about making oversights looks like strategies. I think we use that a lot here in SCoPE! (Speaking for myself of course! tongueout) Thankfully, there are fewer oversights, or ones that people notice anyway, in informal learning!

Thanks everybody for your participation. We had a large number of "read-alongers" in this seminar, and I always like to also acknowledge those participants as well. So thanks EVERYBODY!

Our next seminar discussion is Social Media - Benefits for Researchers, facilitated by Ignatia de Waard. There is a scheduled WiZiQ presentation/discussion to kick off the discussion May 8, 8:00 AM PDT, 15:00 GMT. Hope to see everyone there!

Also, we have a very special event at SCoPE this month -- a 3-week online conference Shaping Our Future -- Toward a Pan-Canadian E-learning Research Agenda. We have a great line-up of presenters. There are no fees and everyone is invited! :-)

Sylvia Currie
SCoPE Coordinator