Our third field trip is scheduled for February 22, 2010 at 20:00 GMT. This excursion, outlined in the CPSquare Wiki, will be to the Wikisourcing Sustainable Enterprises (WSE) community. Host Jenny Ambrozek will show us the WSE community as it is today using this informal community comparison framework adapted from the C4P model for our quarterly field trips:
- Content: What explicit knowledge objects such as documents or video clips are created or shared in this community?
- Connections: What interpersonal contacts between community members (e.g., that facilitate relationship-building between community members) can you observe?
- Conversation: What face-to-face or online conversations are going on?
- Context: What context gives meaning to the content, connections and conversations in this community?
- Purpose: What is the reason for which the members come together in this community?
It's open to everyone so spread the word!