Online communities Online!

Online communities Online!

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 0
For the past few months, several of us have been together at various conferences and every time we get together we seem to discuss hosting an  an online conference to discuss topics of mutual interest about our online learning communities.  

The discussion goes something like this....
  • What does your organization do?
  • Who's your target group?
  • How do you maintain your membership?
  • Do you have webinars?  discussions?
  • What do you do about your resources?
  • Who maintains your site?
  • Have you heard about....  Do you know anything about...?
  • Which platform do you use?
  • Which tools?
and then we end by saying "We really need to have an online conference and discuss this more"

Anyways - Our own Sylvia Currie from here in SCoPE, Sandy Hirtz from BC Campus, Elizabeth Childs from BCEDonline and I wonder if you are interested in joining us to discuss and help us plan an online conference to bring international online communities together to discuss topics of mutual interest.

We don't really have a date yet - but, we're thinking Fall 2006.  We don't have a theme, we don't know who should be involved....  but, we do know that we want to do this and want to start talking with other community enthusiasts interested in helping us plan this conference.

So - ask any questions you might have, and if you are interested, post a message here and I'll help you get into the discussion area.