Online Conference: Platforms for Communities of Practice - Long Live the Platform

Online Conference: Platforms for Communities of Practice - Long Live the Platform

by Sylvia Currie -
Number of replies: 3
Greetings community enthusiasts! Here's a really good topic to gather around:
Platforms for Communities of Practice. This "Long Live the Platform" online conference is organized by members of CPSquare.

January 14 - February 1, 2008
What's the best platform on which communities of practice can gather? There are a lot of choices and the choices seem to be multiplying. During this three-week conference we will be looking at many different platforms (new and old) through the eyes of their communities. Moodle, SCoPE's platform, will be one of many featured during the conference. Others include Q2learning, Tomoye, Web Crossing, Drupal, Ruby on Rails, Ning, and Facebook. The conference cost is $100 USD but it makes more sense to just join since the conference is free for members.

For more details and to register go to:

As is the tradition at CPSquare, members who help out with the conferences may bring a guest for free. If you'd like to be my guest just send me email ( with the subject heading "Long Live the Platform". The first one to respond is in!
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Online Conference: Platforms for Communities of Practice - Long Live the Platform

by Sylvia Currie -
Wow, you all have pretty quick fingers! :-)

Congratulations to Nellie Deutsch! She was the first to respond to my invitation for a free pass to the Platforms for Communities of Practice event at CPSquare.

Thanks everyone for your interest!
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Online Conference: Platforms for Communities of Practice - Long Live the Platform

by Jeffrey Keefer -

Too bad I missed the invite here, Sylvia.

I have know about CPSquare for some time, but have never spoken with anybody about it and its value. Is it worth joining? Also, I could not find on their page about how members do not pay for the conference--is that really the case?

Thank you.

In reply to Jeffrey Keefer

Re: Online Conference: Platforms for Communities of Practice - Long Live the Platform

by Sylvia Currie -
Hi Jeffrey,
I got started with CPSquare in 2005 when I enroled in the Foundations of Communities of Practice workshop. It was superb. I've participated in community activities off and on, but like many things, not as often as I'd like! Also, members are often meeting up at various conferences and I always seem to miss out. There's also a yahoo group.There's an RSS feed into this Community Enthusiast space.

Fees for all community events are included in the membership, so if you plan to attend the conference then for sure it makes sense to pay the annual membership fee.