The book is a collaborative effort with nearly 100 contributors from predominantly post secondary locations all over the world. To date the book has 30 chapters and is still growing. It is being published by the Commonwealth of Learning. Publication date is set for July 13th to coincide with the Fifth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning.
The book is a resource that offers practical, contemporary guidance to support e-Learning decision making, instructional choices, program and course planning and development. The working title is "Empowering Education for a Digital World: Advice, Guidelines and Effective Practice From Around the Globe".
A book outline and list of contributors is available in Wikispaces:
Detailed information is available in the Book Project Forum of the BCcampus Expo Marketplace Online Community:
Please join an informal information webinar Thursday November 22nd at 12:00pm. During the session we will introduce the wiki created to compile chapter content.
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(Edited by Sylvia Currie - original submission Monday, 19 November 2007, 04:30 PM. Fixed the wikispace link.)