Thursdays Social Media offerings

Thursdays Social Media offerings

by Tia Carr Williams -
Number of replies: 15

I hope you enjoy two excellent pdfs on the opportunities for social technologies in Education.
The first paper is focused on exploring the inter-relationship between two key trends in the field of educational technologies.

In the educational arena, we are increasingly witnessing a change in the view of what education is for, with a growing emphasis on the need to support young people not only to acquire knowledge and information, but to develop the resources and skills necessary to engage with social and technical change, and to continue learning throughout the rest of their lives.

In the technological arena, we are witnessing the rapid proliferation of technologies which are less about 'narrowcasting' to individuals, than the creation of communities and resources in which individuals come together to learn, collaborate and build knowledge (social software).

It is the intersection of these two trends which, we believe, offers significant potential for the development of new approaches to education.

At the heart of agendas for change in education are a number of key themes which relate to questions of how knowledge, creativity and innovation are generated in the practices of the 'information society'.Recent commentators have argued that our relationship with knowledge is changing, from one in which knowledge is organised in strictly classified 'disciplines' and subjects', to a more fluid and responsive practice which allows us to organise knowledge in ways that are significant to us at different times and in different places.

At the same time, we see changes in the 'spaces' of knowledge, from its emergence within discrete institutional boundaries, to its generation in virtual and cross-institutional settings.Moreover, the ways in which we engage with knowledge are increasingly characterised by 'multi-tasking', engaging with multiple and overlapping knowledge streams. There are also changes in our understanding of practices of creativity and innovation - from the idea of the isolated individual 'genius' to the concept of 'communities of practice', where reflection and feedback are important collaborative processes.

In this context, educational agendas are shifting to address ideas about how we can create personalised and collaborative knowledge spaces, where learners can access people and knowledge in ways that encourage creative and reflective learning practices that extend beyond the boundaries of the school, and beyond the limits of formal education.

It is in the light of these new educational agendas that we are interested in the emerging practices of social software. Social software can be broadly characterised as 'software that supports group interaction'. The most familiar types are likely to be internet discussion forums, social networking and dating sites. However, applications like massively multiplayer online games and internet messaging can also be seen as social software, as could group e-mails and tele-conferencing.

Applications such as weblogs, wikis and social bookmarking have seen a recent increase in popularity and growing mainstream interest. At the same time, there are other technologies which enrich and enhance these practices, like syndication systems that bring information in a well organised way from one source to another.

New forms of collaboration tools are also emerging, where people can work together to build new documents or products. We are also seeing a shift in the 'modality' of communication away from text alone: podcasting or audio publishing via the net is a growing movement, and it will be a relatively short time before there is also good support for video publication on the net. Locative and geographically mediated activity via mobile phones is also a likely area for growth, seeing people collaborate around different spaces and places.

It is the combination of the technological affordances of social software, with new educational agendas and priorities, that offers the potential for radical and transformational shifts in educational practice.

Today, the use of social software in education is still in its infancy and many actions will be required across policy, practice and developer communities before it becomes widespread and effective. From a policy perspective, we need to encourage the evolution of the National Curriculum to one which takes account of new relationships with knowledge, and we need to develop assessment practices which respond to new approaches to learning and new competencies we expect learners to develop.

At the same time, from a technical perspective, we need to facilitate the development of open systems that allow different social software resources to communicate with each other, the creation of a centralised resource to allow teachers and children to access these tools, and the integration of a range of small social software tools into the desktop operating environments of learners. Equally, it should be realised that interoperability does not necessarily have to be realised through rigid standards, which may be counter-productive to innovation.

As with all programmes of educational change, however, we need to retain a sensitivity to the potential for such change to exacerbate existing social inequalities - as we see the emergence of social software as a potential tool for the creation of new learning communities, we need to ensure that there are not groups of children excluded from these communities by virtue of lack of access to digital technologies. We also need to ensure that such change does not ossify in a centrally managed programme, but instead retains a sensitivity to the specific and localised needs of different groups of learners and teachers.

In schools, we are already witnessing small-scale experiments with a variety of social software resources. For these to flourish we will need to see support in schools for risk-taking, and for dialogue between schools, teachers, parents and children about new approaches to learning that involve collaboration between young people (and others) across different times and spaces.

This white paper was written as part of a larger grant provided by the John and Catherine MacArthur Foundation in support of what we are calling Project NML (or New Media Literacies). Over the next few years, we will be developing and publicizing a series of projects designed to promote the teaching of media through school based, after school, and informal learning communities. These include: an exemplar library of short digital films focused on creative artists working in a range of different media and the creative, economic, and ethical choices they face in purusuing their work; an ethics casebook faced on the challenges youth face as media makers and participants in online communities; and a series of curricular guides for teaching media through traditionl school content.

The white paper emerged from both the ideas found in Henry Jenkins’s new book, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide and a systematic review of existing educational literature on youth and new media. It was released alongside the MacArthur Foundation’s announcement of a 50 million dollar five year comittment to work on youth and digital learning.

Authors: Henry Jenkins is the founder and co-director of the MIT Comparative Media Studies program and the principle investigator on Project nml. Ravi Purushotma, a 2006 graduate of MIT’s Comparative Media Studies program, examines using popular culture/digital media/video games for learning foreign languages. He currently works at The Education Arcade at MIT. Katherine Clinton received her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with a minor in Games, Learning, and Society in 2006 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and currently is the educational consultant for the New Media Literacies project at MIT. Margaret Weigel is the Research Manager for the New Media Literacies project in the Comparative Media Studies program at MIT. She earned her advanced degree in Comparative Media Studies in 2002, and writes on new media and visual culture. Alice J. Robison is a postdoctoral fellow in the Comparative Media

Studies program at MIT, where she specializes in new media literacies and in the ethnographic and rhetorical study of the production of digital media, especially videogames

Social Media Rings
 Neil and Cameron run down the list of the Mashable social networking blog list 50 of the top social bookmarking sites available. Also, they discuss social media rings, how they can be set up, and security issues.

In reply to Tia Carr Williams

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by Therese Weel -
Had a look - great stuff Tia.

I have seen this one before - An in-depth look at media literacy commissioned by the MacArthur Foundation

Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture in the 21st Century - PDF

This one is new to me - A look at the social media tools and their value. Googled for an audio for this but came up empty handed.

We Media - Chris Willis Keynote ASIDIC 2007

Here are a few items - a social media starfish - showing a recent landscape of social media created by Darren Barefoot, a popular Vancouver blogger.

Darren Barefoot Social media Starfish

Next are examples of teachers using social media tools. These are examples of wiki-mashups created using wikispaces and other social media tools.
  1. Westwood Wikispaces
    Excellent use of wiki and social media technology by westwood school - looks like they are having fun doing it too. First suggested by David Brear in our last knowschools session

  2. releasethehounds » Wikispace example using embeded 2.0 tool

    Release the Hounds is by Chris Harbeck, a grade 8 math teacher from Winnipeg who raised the bar with this presentation at the k12 online conference
  3. Dean Shareski - Creating your web 2.0 Classroom

Dean Shareski from Moose Jaw Saskachewan shows how to create a web 2.0 digital classroom, inspired and based on a presentation done by Drew Murphy of Gibsons, BC also at the k12 online conference.

Release the hounds indeed!

In reply to Therese Weel

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by Ian MacLeod -
Absolutely amazing stuff1 I'm still sorting through all of the notes and materials that I gathered at CIT 2007 and slowly getting my thoughts up on to my blog MachIanations. It will be another day or two before I get the whole conference up there, but suffice to say I have noticed some themes that I can share.
  • community colleges are concerned about engagement and retention of learners
  • social media is seen as the way to solidifythis engagement along with mobility
  • Google Apps was seen as a great way to use social media and be collaborative - the new learning is collaborative, not time and space sensitive and is mobile
  • Learning how to use social media to connect with learners "where they are" was a big theme at CIT 2007
Social media, is in my mind here to stay. It makes learning a collective, not solitary process - and I think that this collaborative approach to learning is essential as we are being overwhelmed by information.

So effective use of social media, along with strong information literacy skills and collaborative learning is the real paradigm shift that we are going through...
In reply to Ian MacLeod

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by David Brear -
According to eWeek magazine, November 5, 2007 there are around "400 million users of social networks", Page 20, Vol. 24, No. 34.

Google launched OpenSocial on November 1, 2007, here you will find what it is all about and how Google hopes to challenge Facebook's over 7,000 applications built since it launched its developer platform, May 24, 2007.

Take a look at Orkut, Google's social site as well. To quote "It is is an online community designed to make your social life more active and stimulating."

David :)

In reply to Tia Carr Williams

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by anne marie mcewan -

Tia and Therese

Thank you both for a tremendously useful set of resources. I am particularly taken with the Futurelab paper. I could have selected many excerpts for comment but the following allows me to make my point:

"If learning to learn, if collaboration, and if the personalisation of educational experiences are at the core of current educational agendas, we need to find ways of enabling young people to come into contact with, collaborate with and learn from each other and other people."

I realise the paper is focused on the education of young people. Nevertheless, its observations apply equally to organisational learning. In my work with executives, I and my colleagues have been attempting to foster 'learning to learn' skills in a personalised work-based context, experience of which is shared in collaborative conversation and sense-making - most of which takes place face-to-face.

To paraphrase the excerpt from the Futurelab paper, "We need to find ways of enabling everyone in workplaces to come into contact with and learn from each other and other people"

I have been thinking for some time about the feasibility of creating an online 'learning place', and it is only now that I am beginning to explore the concept for real. Futurelab are compiling social learning tools at:

Their categorisation of the headings of talk, personalise, network, explore, and capture is invaluable in helping me get my head around the sort of fuctionality I need to explore. And I would add 'stuff' (source, tag, share ...).

Thanks again.

Anne Marie

In reply to anne marie mcewan

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by David Brear -
Tia, Therese and Anne Marie, I have been working through the FutureLab projects for a few days. What a totally amazing resource !! The projects cover the K - 12 spectrum. Thank you for sharing !! Are there similar "Labs" set up for looking into 21st. Century Learning in other countries ?


David Brear
In reply to David Brear

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by Tia Carr Williams -


Isnt it a fabulous resource. I don't know about 21st Century learning in other countries.. I shall scout about and see.


In reply to Tia Carr Williams

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by David Brear -
Tia, I look forward to your scouting around report. The posting are fabulous resources. Thanks for all your great stuff you share,


In reply to David Brear

21st Century learning materials

by Jim Wolff -
David re Learning lab activities in other countries, you might want to try this site, from a group based in chicago I think: I think Tia may have mentioned them already. There are some very interesting academics/educators/innovators involved and some great projects. jim
In reply to David Brear

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by Tia Carr Williams -
Thanks David. Im getting so good at this, Im beginning to bark....(think retriever to contextualise this comment).
In reply to Tia Carr Williams

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by Deirdre Bonnycastle -

I just discovered a tool called TouchGraph for creating a visual image of a search. Unfortunately, I can't show you an image because SCoPE no longer allows the uploading of images???

In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by David Brear -
Diedre thanks for sharing this resource. It looks very interesting. I will have to examine it and see where I can use it,

In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by Sylvia Currie -
Dierdre, you mentioned that you weren't able to upload an image. Do you mean that you weren't able to attach an image to the forum post?

I'm still combing through the site and adjusting the settings since our last upgrade so there could be something I missed. Let me know what you can't do now that you could do before and I'll see if there's a switch I forgot to flip on!

In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by Deirdre Bonnycastle -
When I click on insert image, it now asked for the image URL instead of allowing you to upload from your computer.
In reply to Tia Carr Williams

Re: Thursdays Social Media offerings

by Deirdre Bonnycastle -
Just to illustrate how far social media has become embedded in medicine, I'd like to bring peoples attention to:

The Medicine 2.0 Blog Carnival - this carnival hosted by different hosts every two weeks has just past the 6 months mark. This is the carnival that gave me the idea for the Active Learning Blog Carnival.

The Anne Meyer Medical Centre a blog for students who participate in medical classes held in second life.

Clinical Cases and Images where physicians/faculty can submit cases and images to be shared.

Science Roll written by a medical student in Hungary, this is one of the best up-daters about genetics, medicine and web 2.0. The author started the The Medicine 2.0 Blog Carnival. This is a great illustration of how international we could become because of social media.