FDO Learning Activities

Learning Journal

We're fans of learning journals. We know that unless and until we actually jot notes as we go (those "hey neat" or "a-ha" or "I gotta remember to talk to Bob about...." moments), we often lose many of the details that could help us transform ideas/thoughts into action.

So, like in the FLO workshop, you're asked to record what you are learning and want to remember in the form of a journal.

You are welcome to use whatever format you like for your journal (blog, paper notebook, Google doc, etc) - it is private and yours alone.

And, each week you share a short nugget from your journal in the Weekly Journal Share forum. Here are some journal prompts that may be useful as you go:

Suggested Weekly Journal Share Prompts
  • What do you take from this week's Unit Notes? What holds special promise for your practice? Record key ideas, strategies, and resources.
  • What have you seen or heard from other FDOers that you want to remember?
  • What is one step or task that would help you implement one (or more) of your learnings this week? i.e., how can you go from thought to action?