Design Project - Overview
an explanation of the options for participants:
- define your design project;
- if you're not sure what to focus on, review the Sample Scenario and the compilation of readings and resources drawn from other FLO - Facilitating workshops.
Possible Design Topics
Collaboration is an important topic - in the workplace and within educational institutions. Faculty have different levels of experience and knowledge in designing collaborative activities, in helping students have successful collaborative learning experiences, in ensuring fairness in evaluation and marking, and to find ways to guide students to acknowledge and deal positively with conflict situations.
Resources (FLO):
- Collaborative Online Research and Learning, "Tuckman Stages of Group Development", retrieved from
- MIT, Human Resources, Learning & Development, "Using the Stages of Team Development", retrieved from
- Dool, R. (2007, February). Best practices: Mitigating Conflict in Online Student Teams. eLearn Magazine, 2007(2), 2. Retrieved from
Note: This article directly addresses the issue of conflict in teams. It gives effective, solid strategies based on experience. - Lam, W., Chua, A., Williams, J.B., & Lee, C. (2005). Virtual teams: Surviving or thriving? Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia (pp. 357-360). Retrieved from
Note: This article is written by faculty who have a strong focus on team work that contributes to as much as 50% of student grades. Some good strategy suggestions for helping teams perform well together. - RRU - CTET. (2008, Fall). Team Based Learning. Tools for Teaching (T4T) Tipsheet, 1(3), 1-2. Retrieved from
Note: This tip sheet is a short and sweet strategy document. - University of New South Wales, Learning to Teach Online - From Gateway - Learning to Teach Online project
- Video (5:40) Online teamwork and collaboration