Workshop Handbook
an overview - a course outline
Workshop Structure - Flow
The FLO-Design workshop is built on a belief in the value and efficacy of collaborative effort - our learning is deepened and broadened by sharing it with others. The workshop integrates a "studio-based" learning approach that
- provides opportunities to test ideas and discuss pedagogical choices with peers and facilitators;
- establishes milestones for sharing that keep everyone "on track" and focused on the design projects; and
- encourages creativity and risk-taking with appropriate feedback and support.
Design Project
Participants are asked to design a short unit of learning (2-3 weeks of online learning) and a prototype learning activity. In this short course, you will not be developing an actual course or integrating your activity into a specific learning platform such as Moodle. Focusing on the design of learning allows each person to explore what is most interesting or relevant and to try new approaches to engaging learners and supporting their success in online environments.
Participants choose to work in teams to define a shared design project or work alone. Sharing and explaining designs and choices take place in weekly Studio forums. They are encouraged to flowchart, map or create a simple visual way to communicate the important elements of their design to others.
As the design projects develop (by Week 3), participants select and describe a prototype activity that demonstrates how learners will engage with the topic and/or with other learners in the unit. For example, each student might be asked to view a video and formulate a critical analysis of the central theme. Possibilities for completing this activity might be to:
- work in pairs or small groups and share the analysis with a written forum post;
- use a specific app or media to share the analysis in more creative ways; or
- complete a short quiz to identify elements of their analysis.
The prototype allows the designer to test (think through and explain) how to facilitate or scaffold learning that helps a student achieve the stated outcomes or objectives for the unit.
The Design Project (with the visual and prototype activity) are shared in final "showcase" presentations during the final week.
Four Week Flow
The workshop is structured to move participants through phases of the design project:
Week 1: Welcome, introduction to workshop, decide on a focus, audience, context for Design Project;
Week 2: "Sparks" - gather ideas about how to design; choose an approach to the unit of learning that will be designed;
Week 3: Plan the design of a unit of learning, with a visual "map" - design prototype learning activity - share ideas, collect feedback in Studio;
Week 4: Prepare and present designs (with visuals) and explain or facilitate prototype activity in Studio Showcase.
Each week includes focused reflections on learning in a shared Reflective Practice forum (in The Hub)